yoooo imagine seeing muyeong getting jealous and feeling what seonho felt while having to deal w that busted ass glasses dickhead,,& i feel you for sure, idk abt u but it also felt like muyeong was being a major tsundere?? sometimes it’s cute but that shit gets mad old, especially because seonho put in so much effort into the relationship

big fucking facts bro,, like what frustrated me too was it felt like muyeong was so indecisive but kept telling the friend about how interested he was in seonho. the friend even said seonho was muyeong’s exact type like bitch hello????? now aint the time to be playing mind games, if you know you’re into someone, be straight up (no pun intended) and overcome the past by moving forward
i really enjoyed watching this couple blossom into this wholesome, cute ass relationship. plus seonho is such a cutie uwu i love him to death - but imma be honest
at some points i was getting really annoyed with muyeong. i really sympathize with what he went through in his past where he was manipulated and torn apart by his ex crush & im really glad that he was reassured he’s loved and important by seonho. with that being said, i cant sympathize with the way he was treating seonho throughout the story
1) muyeong made a wholeass assumption about seonho having an affair with the editor, and did all that extra shit instead of being straight up with seonho and just clearing up the misunderstandings. it’s funny how he got all jealous and paranoid when it came to seonho, but he expected seonho to be understanding and patient when it came to the rehabilitation situation with the friend
2) and speaking of the rehab situation, can i just give a big fuck you to the friend. i was deadass about to strangle my phone everytime the friend was in a panel because he pissed me off so much. so we gonna just act like he didn’t pretend to attempt s*icide, all to get some attention and derail the couple from going on vacation,,, aight then
so i just don’t like how it feels like seonho is supposed to sit back and take the little things muyeong allows and does. it’s not fair that seonho wasn’t expected to get pissed off that muyeong was risking his relationship for his dickhead of a friend who STILL tries to intervene in their relationship smh