First of all you dont know anything about science or the origin of cis female, intersex, or tran female vaginas.
Allow me to educate. ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
All these sexes have issues with fertility, how ever all issues can be fixed with the choice of the woman who wants children.
*Stem cell- the take a cell sample and grow a organ from the organic matter. This allows all women to have kids if they choose.
*Organ transplant- this option is taken from a donor, the organ is transplanted into th body at the end of the vaginal canal. Were artificial insemination take place after the child is born the ovaries and womb are taken out due to healing. Thus giving any woman the ability to have kids.
*Adoption- how about all those kids you fucked up people leave to fend for themselves with cis fertility privilege you got. That's the best dam option.
And lastly this is waayyyyyyy of in the future but
*technology- in the body with laser therapy can allow any woman to birth a child painlessly.
Now that we got that out of the way.
There is no reason for anyone to discriminate against any woman based on natural differences they can not control. Women are women because they embrace their nature of the feminine, and not whole heartedly because their organs define who they are. That's why we have different types of women all around the world, tall, short, chubby, skinny, average, athletic, tomboy, lesbian, bi, pansexual, black, white, asian, Mexican, trans, intersex, cis there are women who can get pregnant, and women who can get other women pregnant ( it's the future, not sorry). It's called evolution ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶.
Considering the first bacteria on the planet was intersexed ( meaning both male and female ) it would make since that humans would developed two other various types besides just being trans or intersexed in the beginning. Male and female are the newer mutations in the planet's timeline.
Trans is very similar to the butterfly in that it is innate in them to go through a transition process into what they were ment to be.
intersexed people were originally able to reproduce on their own during times were a mate was no were around altho as the environment gets more harsh and science targets imbalance that isn't cis male or female. Their numbers have declined over the years.
cis women can copulated with intersexed individuals, and that how the male mutations came( for the momentcis females can give birth but that may change in the future).
So essentially the xy(male) means that for the X to be present it is the base chromosome. meaning all life is inherently female due to the blue print of the intersexed origin of our existence. Also it means that if cis men didn't have the X chromosome they would be and entirely different sex but they aren't( just a slight variation in mutation).
transwomen can transition because they produce estrogen and testosterone like their sister sexes( because they have a X chromosome). This also proves that if they didn't have a X chromosome transwomen would be unable to transition due to hormonal intolerance. Because at that point they have no X chromosome. This hypothetically Means they would not be able to have any operations to birth children because you need a degree of X in your chromosome pattern. (Xx cis female, xy cis male, xxy intersex , yyx intersex etc.)
All the surgery does is reverse the process that happened in the womb at random. Skilled artists and doctors use all the nerves and two g-spots to realign back to its female state. They can fully orgasom, due to having 2 gspots.
The cis females out of the 3 other sexes dont have one, their stimulation is clitoral (meaning cis women naturally dont get stimulation from penetration, apparently 68% of cis women out of a blind study of 10,000 say it clitoral stimulation). When the clitorious sits higher away from the entrance of the vagina reports mainly show no orgasming from penetration alone.
While transwomen, intersexed women, and even cis men all have 2 g-spots. So naturally they just save all the things needed for pleasure and remove the testicles. So naturally transwomen have 3 stimulation spots that are there for them to use.
But everything else is used in creating a anatomically correct vagina for trans, cis women( born with out vaginas) and intersexed who need the surgery.
So let's draw a conclusion ( ̄∇ ̄")
It's very complex being a woman, we have so much variety that naturally we all are different usually. But our differences are very small biologically and sexually. because we all occupy the space of sisterhood. Like a diamond has many facets so does being a women.
Society especially Cis men have been trying to erase the past. They trying to keep the feminine docile. But the truth is they are part female themselves. Or they would only produce testosterone. So humans are complex. And they have repeatedly taken out their aggression on women in society since the inception of the Catholics and Europeans gods of Greece and Rome and even taoism of ancient China.
It's best that if you don't know science well, talking about mutilation should be slapped out of your mouth. Because there are women in the world who need it and their vaginas are beautiful. Being a woman trans, cis, intersexed, lesbian, bi, pansexual all of it is beautiful. Don't bring your ignorance into a space were it wasn't wanted. There is no room for misogyny anymore.
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Fucking BASED.
Transphobic rhetoric is just anti-science; plain and simple.
It’s unfortunate that the greater part of society (internationally) is so far behind and still subscribing to a grossly outdated model of biological sex. Ffs, from the get go, the whole idea of categorizing these characteristics as either ‘male’ or ‘female’ is societally-constructed. It’s not like scientists gazed into a microscope n saw little labels marking each cell as either male or female; the female cells topped with little pink bows and the male cells holding baseball gloves.
Unfortunately for transphobes, facts don’t care about your feelings.

People can say it's transphobia. But at the end of the day us women as a collective are not looked at as valuable beyond sexuality, appearance, and reproduction. from cis men's and some brainwashed cis women's point of view.
if men take out their anger on trans women, intersexed women, or cis women of color. most women don't realize it's because cis men don't want to admit that they hate women to a certain degree.
It's internalized misogyny, because trans men aren't being told they are less then, in the number of ways us women have been made to feel that way.
I mean it is so perverse in every culture that your not "woman enough". As example Cis men created and wore make up to state their status and royalties.
1Now it's marketed to women to change our "flaws".
2Women get paid way less in most countries, even though we are expected to deal with, pregnancy, surgery, reconstructive surgery, or cis,trans,or intersexed female health issues and suck it up when we are at work.
3Sadi Arabia, women are just now allowed to hold a license, amongst being able to legally defend themselves against physical abuse from their husbands.
4You see Asia that tells women that their eyes and nose or jaws are paid to get "fixed" by their parents as a graduation gift. In order the get a decent job, go to college. Or to attract a partner. As a example a man used his wife because his daughter turned out in his eye ugly. And he wasn't aware she had plastic surgery, and so he used her. Fucking ridiculous#-.-)
5Now you see the U.S has a leader who is a pedophile who has assaulted his daughters on TV and was caught several times even to this day degrading womens looks, and saying threats of sexual violence with his friends and he won....well with Russias help.
6Speaking of Russia they are highly discriminatory against women. From pay,to education, to allowing women to Express themselves.
All in all the tolerance of abuse of with women who have trans experience is a reflection of how men truly feel and value women.
Even though they don't say that, even though they will say the famous line "I respect women but transwomen aren't women that's a man".
What does a cis man with a heterosexual preference know about being any type of women? Trans, cis, or intersexed? yet they are quick to tell us how unworthy we are when we don't fit the bill.
The answer is not a dam clue, but for thousands of year cis men have told us what our worth was and it has brainwashed many people to think that's the definition of womanhood.
that's the true reason why cis men have so much power since a few thousand years ago.
They been feeding us poison in the form of self hatred, fantasy, abuse, unrepresented religious equality of feminine individuals, less access to schooling, less coverage of insurance for health services, the right to chose what we do with our body I literally could list a shit ton of things. But they been feeding us this stuff and is sad that even our own mothers do it.
But the reality is being a women is still seen as less then a man, when literally it doesn't matter because, cis men are partly female themselves. Even though they don't transition because they went born with that trait. They still through everyway possible will make us feel bad if any of us women flex our power or chose to really be self made and independent.
I don't hate cis men, but I don't tolerate their shit, hell even their own kind ( cis men) are waking up.
Transphobia is a mask of a word. The real core of that hatred lies in the hatred of being a woman and the shame any women bares when she try's to question and find herself.
Those same cis men you say are transphobic beat their wives, beat their moms, treat their girlfriends like toilet paper, cheat on their wives, shove their daughter on their mother to deal with, and sleep with transwomen because they can get away with that endless cycle of abuse.
I think transphobia exists but very rarely, because if it have the true phobia then people would scream, run, and avoid them like they were being chased by killers.
But the they way they torment them, rape and kill them shows that men still do what they want with women because they aren't scared because they are stronger to some degree and are not afraid in the slightest of any repercussions.
They feel that they are getting vengeance because they been tricked....how does a women trick a cis men with heterosexual preference if they were the ones who hit on a beautiful woman first? That shit make no sense ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭.
Anyways I agree I think most people will be stupid and ignore science, various other religious histories, world history or literary the person themselves. If they tell them something they are not aware of, their mind goes straight to self defense and disrespectful behavior. Even though they have no clue how to respond to a person (this could be a wide range of topics) who knows something that they dont and are thriving.
You know karma has always been the final one to settle the score, just because cis men have been the cause of 82% of any issue a country has faced. Like everything, there will be a time when women of all kinds will be the ones in power, hell it's happening now. But anyways I'm rambling lol.....(⊙…⊙ ) I agree with you lol hahahaha
I just wish people cherished each other more instead of always being so mean, when we all are human. But for alot of people that simply isn't enough.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

as a trans woman...no we can not have kinds....and a theory is not proof. It will be a long time before trans woman can get pregnant.
From birth, whether a female person wants a baby or not...their body is growing just from the purpose of holding a baby. The width of the hips, the way the abdomen is shaped. To the other hormones trans girls don't make.
And we don't make female level hormones. We have to take hormone replacement therapy. The levels a biological male born person makes on their own is not enough to transition.
Im all for inclusive but not daydreams and theories.
I was a male born person and im still a woman. Woman being gender and not sex.
When ya start going down the rabbit hole, of what may :one day be possible: it comes across fanatical.
Do u know how much it would take an organ...let alone a uterus to not reject right away. Compound that with needing to make the pregnancy hormones females naturally create to provide a baby a healthy home.
There's adoption and surrogacy buy trans women pregnancy is not a thing. Its a theory but who would try and
What kinda of selfish woman...trans are not...with put a fetus through the possibility of not being born...or deformed or the possibility of a SUPER high risk pregnancy.
Its about responsible as two blood sisters and brothers having a baby...knowing full well, the kind of life expectancy it would bring.
Trans women use pregnancy as a limit. When it shouldn't be to prove womanhood but that they want to love and nature a child.

From the views of medical science it's already in practice, actually it is a reality for trans women to give birth. (with the presence of a vagina for insemination, and early monitoring of the fetus). I was born intersex, sex and gender have been my life mission in understanding it from a scientific, technological, physiological, cultural, and historical perspective.
So I have been to many lecturers and watched/read many private interest in reproduction diversity, not just a high school student lvl perspective. While it is risky, it is no different then any other procedure.
As long as it can be practiced(monitored)it will be perfected.
(For example the procedures of csections, given the increasing percentage of natal women increasing unable to deliver vaginally, this could be link to climate changes due to pollution.the procedure has changed and evolved)
*stem cell* is pretty modern in terms of where you are hinting at but it is in practice already and wont be public for a few years.( no rejection )
the countries I know who are investing in this are Germany, russia, Sweden, japan, north Korea, Taiwan, as of recently usa, and India, and Australia.
I myself was know of the German and swedish trials of these operations they have been successful in natal and intersexed women born with out vaginas. Trans women are no different because you have a X chromosome that links you to the natal female species.
So if you were to reproduce your baby would be fine lol. It would be delivered by csection and the donated organs would be removed after birth.
Is it a risk? yes, but honey so is child birth for any woman. Trans women giving birth is a step in the right direction for the safety and future of security in our species. The more diverse the better, given the current impact of global warming has had on reproduction rates and fertility capabilities. The more hostile that this place gets we will have to diversify our options. It's simple.
The only negative aspect is that trans men wont be able to impregnate in this time yet. Since xy is a mutation of xx. It hard to replicate something that has not developed strands of that type of sex. The trans man would have to be intersexed from birth to grow a organ or to receive a transplant donor. They need the y chromosome to help support the organ function. That sadly is way far off in the future maybe 200- 300 years. But is not impossible for our fellow future brothers, dad's, boyfriends and husbands out there
I have a personal opinion* as to why that is. And its misogyny, women that pursue their ideals (cis, trans, or intersexed) are targets of the medical community, because women as a unit have more potential to pay into the system, and men have fed them insecurity to do so to motivate their ideal woman. Where as cis men, statistically go to the doctor less. So the demand has not been present, so the technology has not been invested in.
I understand if you dont want to give birth, but the science will help those who want to choose to do so.( I do strongly recommend adopting because many kids who have been left behind by selfish people need a mom)
It is not" science fiction", or a "theory", you would be kidding yourself if you don't think the government hasn't considered this technology sooner. They have been working on this as early as the 1930s. Given that we are in another industrial revolution with renewable energy, fast approaching methods such as stem cell, micro cell cloning etc. These things are around the corner.
How ever I do know that it is not covered by insurance, and will be around 100k to 170k. probably wont be covered until the far future.
And just like natal women trans woman will be effected by long term effects of pregnancy ( very common in intersexed and cis birth , and birthing options don't prevent this).
Now my personal opinion now that the science is out of the way.
I think for trans women, cis women with out vaginas, intersexed people.
This can be a big step in your rights as a woman to choice options.
And in alot of way those coming after us will largely benefit from it. In essence for trans people who undergo stem cell therapy ( harvesting a organ from your dna) it can lead to cure of the physical dependency of hormones and more then likely infrequent menstruation.
Just like it would for a diabetic, with a grown pancreas, my mother wouldn't need insulin. If she could survive another 20-30 years( if it even takes that long) this procedure can help her.
Gender and sex are not that different or important.
As things change and climate motivates new medical treatment and technology.
Eventually it is inevitable that sex will not be a problem for reproduction diversity (from a scientific perspective). Cis and intersex women like you said have fertility advantages, but the ability for them to reproduce safely is decreasing. So essentially it's no more dangerous for any other woman.
The question is for me, as I reflect and look at the times and science. Will humanity evolve to the point to were we can allow these things to happen sooner for the people's benefits, And not the rich? I mean I have seen many manuscripts for new procedures all the time and they are all heavily funded by the elite.
And not sound like a conspiracy theorist
But I think given the fact the world is in growing pains, many countries efforts to habitat a fellow planet, And men have almost single handedly run things into the grown over the run homosapians lifetime.
Scientists don't exactly specify why they do these experiments out loud. But if you trace them to the sponsors when they are listed publicly.
If you are someone like myself who is hungry for the truth, you can usually find out why. And if you try to say things publicly you will be silenced. (which is why scientists keep their lips locked)
Given the long astounding significance reproduction as a symbol ment for men.
From taoism, christianity, to satanism, buddhism etc.
Most of it was not exactly toting the cis/ intersexed female role in reproduction, they were more or less tools. Transwomen as far back as taoism, and Hinduism were almost always seen as sexual objects to amplify fertility for men. That is in my opinion why cis men have developed this procedure, to expand their control over them in society.
I think we can tell by in the west with trunk, taking away all but the civil protection of sex work for transwomen or intersexed females. In a way it's a hint that many men in power still see women as tools. This could spill over into using these procedures as mandatory, due to decreasing population, cis intersexed woman and men as whole due to climate changes.
I saw a report stating if life started on another planet laws would not be the same as earth, which is big clue as to maybe what reproduction diversity regressions or incorporating aspects of both would visually look like. Like the resurrection of 12 n 13 year olds giving birth which would not go well because cis and intersexed women are not as capable as early generations to birth vaginally. We could see a option of interrogation of transwomen as a controlled birthing option, they could better control exact population growth. Unlike intersexed and cis women who are motivated to give birth for various reasons at various times which put stress on a new colony and their resources.
Alrighttttt back to the present lol
With the rise of women's right's women as a unit ( meaning , cis, trans, intersexed, color, culture, income bracket) this will shift the meaning and significance of those processes back incontrol of women, and help them view these things as options instead of burdens. And more unity when concerning their feelings and thoughts of their body, beliefs, environment around current and near future reproduction rights ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
And in the far future this gender barrier probably will be a non issue so the future if we can make it there, Is full of options.
My personal hope is
I hope I get to be reborn again some where like that would be cool to see what type of world that would be like. (⊙…⊙ )
I actually heard from a YouTube video from trans women talking about bottom surgery (forgot video title) but trans women actually have way prettier... våginäs... then non trans women cuz they get to pick how they look and don't have the extra shit that non trans women have. So I'm guessing by the comment "your pussy is werid" (something like that) he actually means it looks too pretty.