
gnarlybastard April 18, 2020 10:20 pm

I just found this story and I really like it. But the way things are going in this is too much like, I keep holding my breath each time I read a chapter because I’m afraid of something bad happening. I see a lot of hate for Taku in these comments and I don’t know why. I prefer for Haesoo to be with him because I believe their feelings for one another could blossom into something amazing. Now Jowoon on the other hand...just no. Their love is too exhausting and toxic.

    fluffy_magnus April 18, 2020 11:17 pm

    it's not me being biased bc I don't rly care for these chars but idk what comments u are reading cause every time I come back here I see most comments talking abt how bad or eh jowoon is?

    gnarlybastard April 18, 2020 11:33 pm
    it's not me being biased bc I don't rly care for these chars but idk what comments u are reading cause every time I come back here I see most comments talking abt how bad or eh jowoon is? fluffy_magnus

    I’ve read at least 4 pages of a bunch of people hating on Taku. You good sis? Your eyesight alright??

    fluffy_magnus April 19, 2020 12:04 am
    I’ve read at least 4 pages of a bunch of people hating on Taku. You good sis? Your eyesight alright?? gnarlybastard

    my eyesight pretty fine its yours that is pretty bad if u don't see all those comments how taku should be with Haesoo cause jowoon is bla bla bla and maybe two saying taku is manipulative but you do you ig. come back when u comb through 987989 comments back to back hating on jowoon cause I meant this whole comment section not like 10 newest comments lmao

    gnarlybastard April 19, 2020 2:22 am
    my eyesight pretty fine its yours that is pretty bad if u don't see all those comments how taku should be with Haesoo cause jowoon is bla bla bla and maybe two saying taku is manipulative but you do you ig. com... fluffy_magnus

    Right...okay. Whatever you say, fam. If that’s what you think then go for it.

    Anonymous April 19, 2020 8:50 am

    This is literally bs. Taku is worshiped in this comment section. Most readers want Joowon to disappear and call him trash and abuser.

    euphoria April 19, 2020 1:59 pm
    This is literally bs. Taku is worshiped in this comment section. Most readers want Joowon to disappear and call him trash and abuser. @Anonymous

    literally everybody is hating on joowon. I think people are biased when they talk about him and treat Taku as the holy graal. both of them are bad but haesoo is the worst in my opinion

    gnarlybastard April 19, 2020 8:41 pm

    Ya’ll really need to hop off my nutsack Someone already told me and left it at that, there’s no need to come back and repeat it lol. I said what I said and I stand by it.

    But Euphoria, I kind of agree with you. Haesoo is the worst lol. I actually feel like Taku and Joowon should just leave the guy alone and find someone else.