It threw me off as well and made me super mad as well, especially since I am suicidal myself and this is not a laughing matter. I think the reason he was easily forgiven was that he walked, if he didn't walk I'm sure he would be in a lot more trouble, but walking after over 5 months of being crippled and struggling with even having the will to recover is such an incredible emotional moment that it threw him off and made him forgive him. That's my interpretation of it at least. Ofc it's not an excuse and it doesn't make up for that lie, but I think that's the reasoning. He thought he'd never see him walk again, so it was very meaningful to both of them
This story was really cute and I really liked it but the friend, that asshole friend... I don’t like how he was easily forgiven for lying about a suicide attempt. Like that threw me all the way off. If someone did that to me I’d cut them off immediately. How do you play with someone’s emotions like that? Especially someone who’s giving up their own free time and putting their life on hold for you. Yuck left really bad taste in my mouth but the couple was so cute so so cute