Really? For real?

bitchpls April 17, 2020 8:34 pm

You’ve got to be kidding— MA BOI GUTTS DID ALL THAT SHIT, torment,insanity u name it—all of it just for this?? Sorry for those who like/feel sorry for her but I got to let this one out of my chest. SHE AINT IT she’s not DEEPLY in love with gutts the way he loves her. Come on She could have had some strong willpower and deep love seeing ALL his efforts and devotion. Hell she should’ve pamper ma boi to the max. MA GAWD I don’t like her I DONT HATE HER just don’t like her she’d already grown on me.

And also I still don’t like Griffith, i mean he did a GREAT ASS JOB over his dream country but individually, the guy himself, something is off about him like he’s fishy I might be assuming bullshit but I don’t like the aura he’s giving off

    MECKIE April 22, 2020 3:04 pm

    Sorry, I meant to like your comment.
    And I agree, I was extremely frustrated when they went back to zero after all the shit Guts went through.

    Iris April 24, 2020 12:35 pm

    That's not how trauma works, his experience doesn't outweighs her own. But for sure. Would be nice to forget and actually be happy.

    Girlga April 24, 2020 3:05 pm

    To her, it all happened recently, now that she remembers she has to understand her priorities and move on from there. Moving on from trauma takes time and most people never move on. Hopefully she realizes soon how important her role is to save gutz from becoming a full fledged demon. They both went through similar and different types of trauma, being able to work those traumas along your significant other takes courage. I love this manga.

    Anaa April 25, 2020 1:51 pm

    I can tell you’re young and very inexperienced with trauma. I think you should watch some documentaries about trauma and what it can do to a person

    bitchpls May 18, 2020 12:32 pm
    I can tell you’re young and very inexperienced with trauma. I think you should watch some documentaries about trauma and what it can do to a person Anaa

    Nah I’m good I just got caught on my feelings when i rant coz i read too much stories (system type novels) about forgetting lovers and hurting mc’s feelings and all that stuff. So I exploded lol

    And I’m a pretty open minded person .... idk

    YeeHaW August 19, 2020 2:59 am

    erh just because someone takes care of someone...doesnt mean theyre entitled to anything from that sex or intimate companionship..also shes a trauma victim