Sorry but...

Maria April 17, 2020 5:54 pm

Sorry but, I have so say this. Rudolf looks like Jungkook (from BTS, yes..sorry not sorry). The body proportions and the black sided hair.
So handsome

    Sugasan April 17, 2020 10:18 pm

    Urgh can armys please stop trying hard to make everything related to their boys.. you rly don't have to do that here too

    A Hard Seungcheol Stan April 17, 2020 10:41 pm
    Urgh can armys please stop trying hard to make everything related to their boys.. you rly don't have to do that here too Sugasan

    people can say whatever they want, that's what comments are for.

    Sugasan April 18, 2020 4:25 am
    people can say whatever they want, that's what comments are for. A Hard Seungcheol Stan

    I find it annoying so I said what I wanted too. ThAtS wHaT cOmMeNts ArE fOr.