That Fucking Mouth Sucked My Soul

Hana April 17, 2020 3:43 pm

I swear to God, Lucia is a beauty as long as she doesn't open her mouth as wide as pasific ocean. I've lost track on how many times I've complained about this but I'm saying it again now cuz fuck this exaggerating beautification always ruin everything. I especially LOVE Lucia hairstyle on this new chapter, but then again, the artist seem to really enjoy ruining my mood by adding that horrifying wide mouth like the one at the last panel. I feel like my soul was being sucked in by that wide mouth. It can't even be called a "smile". It's just a horrifying wide mouth.

    Hana April 17, 2020 3:52 pm

    Oh and I don't mean to be rude, but seriously, people who keep saying that they like Lucia's (horrifying wide) smile should probably get their eyes checked. Or maybe our standards of "beautiful" and "exaggeratingly beautiful that it hurts people's eyes and sucks people's souls" are simply different? Idk..what I know is that I can't understand your taste at all..

    Ying April 17, 2020 4:13 pm

    If you apply this to reality, does it really seem that bad to smile widely than a modest smile? I feel the pacific ocean smile is more precious!

    Hana April 17, 2020 4:51 pm
    If you apply this to reality, does it really seem that bad to smile widely than a modest smile? I feel the pacific ocean smile is more precious! Ying

    Err..I guess your literature skill is a bit lacking huh? Of course every ocean is precious. I only mentioned it to express how extremely wide Lucia's mouth was. And of course a wide smile is not a bad thing, neither is a modest smile. As long as a smile is sincere, I think it's all good, irl and in fiction. HOWEVER, a drawing of horrifying wide open mouth still freaks me out if not sends me chills every time I see it.

    Ying April 18, 2020 6:17 pm
    Err..I guess your literature skill is a bit lacking huh? Of course every ocean is precious. I only mentioned it to express how extremely wide Lucia's mouth was. And of course a wide smile is not a bad thing, ne... Hana

    Hehe... So amusing, I mean.. I was repeating after someone, but I guess everyone has their opinions. Good to know yours.