Can you help me find the manga and webtoon? I forgot their names. 1. The wolf shifter and...

Amon April 17, 2020 8:42 am

Can you help me find the manga and webtoon? I forgot their names.

1. The wolf shifter and goat shifter were sent from their planet to the earth for information gathering. Or something like that. And then goat shifter went into the rut, and wanted to fuck the wolf... and I forgot the rest, it was like 2 years ago. And there was only 2 chapters... Was it even continued? XD

2. Mc is pure human, and ML is some golden shiny mf XD joke. It was apocalypse setting, radiation and what not. Well, I remember that there is evolved beings, and humans are considered weak because they have shitty immunity. I remember how that webtoon looks, but I forgot everything else. I just remember that for some training, mc's equipment malfunctioned, he almost died, but ML brought him to some safe room without radiation.

If you can find them with this very very bad description, you are really yaoi master. And thank you very much.
