Why do people hate love triangles?

Cornflake_eater April 16, 2020 8:10 pm

I love love triangles. They just add so much drama to the story. Why do people hate them though? Is it because it makes the MC look annoying or something else?

    Berry April 16, 2020 8:20 pm

    I personally don't hate love triangles but whenever I read something with it, I can't help but root for the second/other lead and i'm just hurt by it lol. BUT I LIKE LOVE TRIANGLES BECAUSE OF THE DRAMA

    Ririna April 16, 2020 8:26 pm

    i hate it, i can't read a single story with a love triangle in it. It's just too much drama for me

    ThatGayChicken April 16, 2020 8:31 pm

    Because second lead syndrome is a bitch.

    It’s either I want a clear ship, that I like. Or a thruple.
    It’s the same with harems, don’t give me the option to root for different characters.

    Xiao_Fei April 16, 2020 8:41 pm

    I hate it because I always get attached to the second lead, and worse if the second lead don’t get to have a happy ending. ┗( T﹏T )┛

    ThatGayChicken April 16, 2020 9:37 pm
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    Ik that feeling. The dumbest things happen because these characters won’t talk, or let go of a fleeting ‘love’

    Emz&m’s April 16, 2020 9:53 pm

    I feel bad for the leftover person. It goes to the point that i cry for 3/4ths of them because the other person is so innocent. ╥﹏╥

    marian-hime April 16, 2020 10:49 pm

    I used to like them but from some time ago not so much for various reasons, it could be that either:
    1.- the MC does end up becoming indecisive and it makes her feelings look kinda superficial and it becomes annoying
    2.- I end up feeling bad for the one left out if it was a good guy
    3.- When either two or worst the three parties were friends it ends up breaking their friendship, sometimes they say they are still friends but you know it's not gonna be the same and you can even feel the awkwardness
    4.- in other cases the second person who falls for the MC is an asshole and tries to break up the couple and that is just soooo annoying like “bro! That's not love, you are just making her suffer and cant see it cos you are so selfish”

    In all of them Im considering the two guys and a girl case, but it also applies when the third party is a girl (specially point 4)

    FangirlQueen99 April 17, 2020 12:28 am

    I hate them because someone always gets hurt and rejected in the end. I feel like they're just stringing eachother along and giving hope when there is none. I'll only forgive certain love triangles if the person who doesn't end up with the main character finds someone better and more worthy to love.