
Scarlett April 16, 2020 2:14 pm

Damn, LMAO, The argument thread down below. I've been reading manga on this site for about 3 years now. At this point when i see this troupe im just -_- here we go again, and i just continue to read, i really couldn't care less anymore. It fiction, i know its not okay in the real world but its fictional people, would i like for this to not happen? of course. but it iiisss what it iiisss.
Anyways doctor alpha hot, brother is hot im just gonna sit back and continue to read this manga im really enjoying.

    Nakito April 16, 2020 2:29 pm

    Thank you chilled sir

    Nocturne April 16, 2020 2:50 pm

    Yes, thank you! This needed to be pointed out..

    naisha84 April 16, 2020 3:01 pm

    lol ive been here about that long and only managed to get into it with one person but we chilled.

    i just read that thread and im like why even bother talking you know what youre reading, the omega verse is 97% rape my guy dont get bent outta shape