Youre absolutely right, although I can't help but laugh since I'm sure you checked what this story is about and you still forced yourself to read it despite being comfortable, this is fictional and no way support any things like this, but there also other fucked up mangas in here but I don't trigger myself by reading them, next time tell us if someone put a gun to your head to force you to read something you dont like. I don't really get what you expected to see when you read this story but this comment aint it

Youre absolutely right, although I can't help but laugh since I'm sure you checked what this story is about and you still forced yourself to read it despite being uncomfortable, this is fictional and no way I support any things like this, but there also other fucked up mangas in here but I don't trigger myself by reading them, next time tell us if someone put a gun to your head to force you to read something you dont like. I don't really get what you expected to see when you read this story but this comment aint it

that aint just criticism you were going hard for that story as I assume you already know what's going to happen by reading the caption or atleast the title lmfao. I usually never bother with other person's opinions in here but this one just made laugh, blink twice if you need help and someone is forcing you to read mangas like this

Ok i tried to be nice, but idiots like you don't understand. I didn't even read the whole thing, all i said is that this shit of a webtoon could badly influence younger people= shit like this shouldn't be made in the first place. A work a fiction can be badly written you know? It doesn't need to be real to be harmful, again people could read garbage like this "oh it's ok if i do it irl", because this webtoon didn't catagorize itself as "fucked up" like KillingStalking, no, this is seen as slice of life, aka normal and acceptable. Guess what, this is not acceptable you pedophile. Stop excusing it. I have the right the critise something if i think it's trash, simple as that. Take your sorry ass elsewhere if you can't properly hold a conversation, you can't even express your opinion without nedlessly attack someone. I bet you have no friends with that ghetto attitude.

What's fucking funny is you trying to turn the plot around, the story's title is 'This boy is too young' and if you checked the damn comments or tags you would actually know what it's about yet you still read it so you could talk shit about it. If you're too young and can't differ between fictional and real life get the fuck out or get help. If you're gonna cry about this story then you should also bring up mangas that consist rape or any other fucked up situations. Its so easy for you to call random people pedophile making it hard for me to take your clown self seriously. I bet you can't even read any mangas that have any slight flaw yet you have already read 300+ of that

Bro you're so obsessed with me that you even searched what i read, and i said that OTHER young people will be badly influenced wasn't talking about myself. Also the mangas that i read were fucked up, but they had warnings and even the mangaka was like "yeah this is bad", that was meant to not be ok. I clearly stated that this mangaka tried to make it light hearted but failed miserably, this manga treats this subject like "yeah this is okay and normal", are you so retarded that you fail for a second time to understand an argument? It's okay to say something has flaws, the writting was really bad, why lie to yourself that it's not. Is it bad to point out when something is bad? Do you leave spoiled eggs in the fridge then eat them because you can't admit to yourself that they belond in the trash? Smh tell your mom she shouldn't have dropped you when you were a baby because your brain fails to functions on basic levels. And i called you a pedophile because despite the flaws you defend the manga religiously and even attack me, make fun of me and etc when all i did is state how i felt. Maybe i would have changed my mind if you weren't so fucking toxic from the start . So, i can't hold conversations with retards sorry.

Who the hell said it was about you? Can't you sense that I was talking about it generally? If you can't see the difference between reality and fiction then I got some news for you, and I meant it in general, anyways chao, don't even mention my mother you lifeless piece of shit, I wouldn't even bother replying to your trash irrelevant opinion if it wasn't so laughable and over the top. That doesn't make someone a pedophile you brainless shit. This is what I call 'attacking someone' and you're not even worth it to be nice for in the first place, I'm not even trying to change your mind, no way I can't be bothered so go back to the ground where you're from, the writing isn't bad and I actually enjoyed the story like how you probably enjoyed killing stalking, but that doesn't mean ill be going harrasing 8 years olds right now, jesus fucking christ

If you weren't looking to change my former statement (my first comment) why the fuck did you even comment in the first place, you just came here to clown around and show how stupid you can be lmao, this was entertaining. I like how you ignored most of what i said and just went to talk about whatever you wanted. Must be lonely in quarantine huh

Damn u right lol i read ur whole argument and the other person really seemed like someone who cant negative opinions about something they liked lmao cant even hold a proper conversation or argument without attacking someone...well i agree with u...this manga really does have bad writing...the mc is unlikable...
This was... uncomfortable. It's pushing the quota that a minor can give consent, when they can't. Me from 5 years ago is really different from me today, also she practiaclly groomed him with the threat "i will tell the manager you're 15". Really creepy, it would have been okay if they entered the relationship when he was older, but it still feels like she kept pushing him, if this was revered ya'll wouldn't think it's cute. I find this comic harmful because, what if an actual minor reads it and gets the ideea that an adult preying on you is okay? This is just messed up. The age gap would have been ok if he was past 18, but in this situation it's just wrong.