It’s funny that joowon x haesoo lovers have nothing against taku x haesoo lovers, but ta...

sarusayan April 14, 2020 10:18 pm

It’s funny that joowon x haesoo lovers have nothing against taku x haesoo lovers, but taku x haesoo lovers hate the other party

    Anonymous April 14, 2020 11:27 pm

    Not true, both sides dislikes each other.

    Anonymous April 15, 2020 8:48 am
    Not true, both sides dislikes each other. @Anonymous

    Joowon side gets a lot more hate.

    MsCarat April 15, 2020 9:11 am
    Joowon side gets a lot more hate. @Anonymous

    I dont hate Joowon, I find his character interesting to read about but I do Hate the HaeJoo ship it is extremely toxic. I'm Not saying HaeTae is not toxic but
    HAEJOO IS WAY MORE TOXIC THAN HAETAE. Imo Joowon needs to really work on himself before he gets into a relationship he uses Haesoo to fill a void

    Anonymous April 15, 2020 9:58 am
    I dont hate Joowon, I find his character interesting to read about but I do Hate the HaeJoo ship it is extremely toxic. I'm Not saying HaeTae is not toxic but HAEJOO IS WAY MORE TOXIC THAN HAETAE. Imo Joowon ne... MsCarat

    Idk. Haesoo and Taku just started relationship and there are already problems at the very begining. It's hard to compare relationship which isn't even official with the one which lasted decade.