Im a girl and straight. But whenever i read hardcore yaoi sex scenes i get excited and, u...

NONAME May 31, 2014 2:35 pm

Im a girl and straight. But whenever i read hardcore yaoi sex scenes i get excited and, umh, wet. Then i end up fapping. Is it normal? i mean, when i read hentai manga i've always think that it disgusting. You know right ? there r too much abnormal size of boobs and see vagina makes me 'fainted'. And its been a while for me stay away from hentai mangas and always using yaoi manga to fapping. Well i dont know what am i talking about anymore. Sorry if it sound pervert and bother. I just confused.

    yaoiaddict May 31, 2014 2:46 pm

    what's "fapping" ?

    Tomboy May 31, 2014 2:47 pm

    .......I'm the same 0/////0

    Sarah May 31, 2014 2:42 pm

    you're not alone XD i got excited when i reading yaoi too, though i am not into hardcore much

    anonymuse May 31, 2014 2:51 pm

    same here

    NONAME May 31, 2014 2:51 pm

    @yaoiaddict fapping means manstrubation, >\<

    So guys isnt it weird? since im a girl and im straight.

    kekeke May 31, 2014 2:53 pm

    its coz straight girls like seeing hot guys doing "hot" stuff (yaoi)... it's pretty much like staring at a hot poster of a model but manga style >:)

    in other words we like abbs more than giant boobs

    kisa May 31, 2014 3:06 pm

    fapping is masturbation @yaoiaddict san..hahaha ;D

    yaoiaddict May 31, 2014 3:10 pm

    well , you're not the only one .. i am a girl but i do the same too ... i really wonder why ?

    rose May 31, 2014 3:14 pm

    Not strange at all. Yaoi is written by women, for women. It's literally designed to make you wet. It create a safe environment for women to appreciate the male body without being overt about it. Also because it's between two men, there's no sense of competition between oneself and the "heroine". (how many times have you hated a shojo heroine for being a whiny baby even though she has such a great guy?) Yaoi also has a lot more romance (usually)than hentai. The partners are usually monogamous to one another, date, eat food together, talk, worry about their relationship. Whereas hentai is written by men for men. It objectifies women, practically ignores romance, often has a display of power (tenticle rape, clothes bursting away, whatever) and more often that not, has direct rape by the main character and multiple partners are involved. I've yet to watch a hentai that didn't have the heroine's going "No! Stop!" and the protagonist going ahead anyways. Is it really any wonder that hentai turns most girls off?

    Kiwi May 31, 2014 4:03 pm

    *Just stating for the record that I'm a male*

    It's perfectly normal. People have different tastes in pornography genres, that's why there are so many of them (seriously, just go onto any porn website and look at the different genres and tags). And, despite what some people might say, masturbation is a perfectly normal and healthy activity to do. I live in a super conservative state where they try teaching you that if you ever even think about exploring your own body, you are going to go to hell. I had a teacher once say "masturbation isn't fair to your partners because masturbation is an act you do to find where your own sexual arousal is"
    Like yeah, it's soooo bad to know what you enjoy sexually *sarcasm* God forbid you actually know what you want.

    Anyway, don't worry about it being weird for you to get off on hardcore yaoi, that's what it's meant to do.

    Fin-san May 31, 2014 4:43 pm

    I'm actually same as u. Only yaoi makes me excited. ^^

    Me May 31, 2014 5:29 pm

    God...what I love about mangago is finding moments like this^^
    @NONAME:you are not alone!I'm the same!
    I like yaoi for the sexyness and the plot!

    FUYUKI May 31, 2014 5:44 pm

    yeah same with you..
    but i just get wet, never do fapping or something..

    ANON May 31, 2014 6:10 pm

    you're not alone. i do the same as you.

    Zelda-Man November 19, 2015 3:21 am

    Yeah, I mean, I'm a bisexual MAN and I enjoy reading yaoi fanfics and etc. (ie: 'spideypool' 0//////0 )!
    And, for some odd reason, I don't find the idea of two girls "getting it on" all that exciting…
    The idea of two "hardened organs" touching each other just has a strange, exotic appeal; mush more different than heterosexual fluff (which I still love!).
    Bottom line: I love writing my own yaoi literature, knowing that others are out there who are just like me, and having these in-depth discussions.
    It's normal ;)
    Continue enjoying us guys "messin' around!" XD

    Zelda-Man November 20, 2015 4:48 am
    @yaoiaddict fapping means manstrubation, >\< So guys isnt it weird? since im a girl and im straight. @NONAME

    Yeah, I mean, I'm a bisexual MAN and I enjoy reading yaoi fanfics and etc. (ie: 'spideypool' 0//////0 )!
    And, for some odd reason, I don't find the idea of two girls "getting it on" all that exciting…
    The idea of two "hardened organs" touching each other just has a strange, exotic appeal; mush more different than heterosexual fluff (which I still love!).
    Bottom line: I love writing my own yaoi literature, knowing that others are out there who are just like me, and having these in-depth discussions.
    It's normal ;)
    Continue enjoying us guys "messin' around!" XD

    cap November 21, 2015 11:09 pm

    girls shlicking, not fapping

    Anonymous January 3, 2016 12:05 am

    I am 12 and get super excited when yaoi comes on boy x boy makes me so I just love it the way they talk to each other it's so romantic but when girls do it I think boring well why?

    Zelda-Man January 12, 2016 3:51 am
    I am 12 and get super excited when yaoi comes on boy x boy makes me so I just love it the way they talk to each other it's so romantic but when girls do it I think boring well why? @Anonymous

    Most likely attraction towards the unknown; you're a girl (I…take it…?), and know what it's like to be infatuated as a female. However, you don't know - and most likely wonder - what it's like to be on the male side of a relationship. Opposite genders experience love differently; you're curious!

    Mew629621 January 27, 2016 9:19 am

    And I thought I'm the only one....but I'm bi not straight (⌒▽⌒)