Technical Difficulties with Loging In

感謝さん April 13, 2020 5:12 pm

I seem to can't find the sign in button when I'm using my iPad in any browser. And even using incognito, I can't sign in. Buttons at the rightmost are gone.


    LadyLag April 13, 2020 5:33 pm

    The same is happening to the ipad users (based on my own experince and other comments i have seen). Not sure if it will be fixed soon. But don't panic! you'r not alone TnT

    感謝さん April 14, 2020 8:47 am
    The same is happening to the ipad users (based on my own experince and other comments i have seen). Not sure if it will be fixed soon. But don't panic! you'r not alone TnT LadyLag

    Ohh is that so, thank God. Guess I'll wait