If possible does anyone know this manga and or manwa?

brina April 13, 2020 11:04 am

In the manga or manwa the main character is a guy who used to be a general but then a revolt happened and his sister and lover were taken as hostages and he had to fight against the current emperor and lost. Then his sister was going to be taken as a wife or concubine by the emperor (emperor is not a bad guy he was doing it to be nice the brother is just overprotective) and he didn't want her to be forced into this so he cross-dressed to take her place and knowing the emperor had a love of weapons gave him a lot of his weapons to make him keep coming back to his palace so the other concubines think he is favored so they leave him alone (I think he planed to let his sister come to the place after he had made it really safe for her and the other concubines would lever her alone but i'm not sure). Then some misunderstandings happened and everyone thinks he is pregnant so the other concubines get jealous and decide to do something to get rid of the baby (they poison him i think). The emperors mom also shows up because she wants to she what the women caring her grandchild is like and some stuff happens. And that is all I remember.
If anyone knows I would be really grateful thank you!!!
