Don't be sad my dear love (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

BambiFindus April 12, 2020 9:40 pm

Am I the only not understanding why the drama ? Like wtf ? I know it seems a bit dishonest buuuuuut I mean if you're unhappy, just learn korean (or whatever it is) and work as a translator and do the other chapters
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Like you shouldn't think they owe you the chapters just cause they uploaded a few, you didn't make a contract as far as I know (≧∀≦) So I don't know but respect what they did so far, don't join them if you don't want to (bc yeah I don't understand either why they promoted here but who reads the first pages (notes of the translators) for real ? So you shouldn't even bother talk about it because it makes them more of a hot topic) Don't be angry because they didn't finish their work (like I said previously, they translate on their own will and that's already really nice because who would be able to do it in their stead ? Not me personally (≧∀≦) ) but be satisfied that you could read a few chapters of this cool manga that someone will maybe translate later, I don't know (=・ω・=) (but there's a bunch of mangas out here anyway that you can enjoy as well, don't be sad my dear (ノ≧∇≦)ノ )

    Anonymous April 12, 2020 9:59 pm

    No one feels entitled to the rest of the chapters. They're scamming people who join their discord since its full of ads which they're earning money from. And this isn't even a legal translation so why are they trying to profit from it?

    BambiFindus April 12, 2020 10:37 pm
    No one feels entitled to the rest of the chapters. They're scamming people who join their discord since its full of ads which they're earning money from. And this isn't even a legal translation so why are they ... @Anonymous

    I understand what you're trying to say and I'm not okay either with it but other groups do it as well and they're not as insulted as that, so I'm very much confused as to why this manga in particular has caused so much drama
    (=・ω・=) And the fact that I've seen a lot of comments saying "why even start it if you're not going to finish it" is a reality sadly, like I understand it's upsetting but it shouldn't cause such an uproar like I'm so lost ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Cookie April 12, 2020 10:54 pm
    I understand what you're trying to say and I'm not okay either with it but other groups do it as well and they're not as insulted as that, so I'm very much confused as to why this manga in particular has caused... BambiFindus

    Y’know I think it’s because this author has other known works on here and there’s an established fan base or whatever. Also the quarantine has given people loads of free time

    BambiFindus April 12, 2020 11:08 pm
    Y’know I think it’s because this author has other known works on here and there’s an established fan base or whatever. Also the quarantine has given people loads of free time @Cookie

    Ah 'kay, didn't know, thanks for telling me (=・ω・=) But I still find it too bad to start hating that much when I just want to enjoy my time reading mangas ╥﹏╥
    But yeah lmao, me too, got a loooooooot of free time, that's why I'm trying to read every single manga out there (≧∀≦)

    Mozzarella April 13, 2020 1:03 am

    People don't feel entitled to the chapters - in fact, we are very grateful for the people who translate things for free for us.

    However, people are upset at the group for trying to profit from their illegal work, and through scamming people into joining their discord which is full of ads.

    This is a very common marketing technique - free trial period, pay to read the rest, which many legit places like Webtoon do. LEGIT places.

    People wouldn't be so mad, however, if there weren't so many anons going around stirring the pot and being rude to people, anons who are defending the group. If you read back, almost every single comment has an anon or a fake account replying to their complaints very rudely.

    Which okay, people talk shit, they get to hear shit back, but that's not exactly a smart move to do to your public if you want them to go to your website to support you. And they were more rude than the readers imo.

    Not to mention they didn't really go nicely about asking people.

    In the end, it's the group themselves who are acting entitled to the readers and stirring the pot.

    In comparison to the very nice group who does some of nekota yonezou's works (they are really nice and deal really well with any drama), this group looks like too much drama.

    BambiFindus April 13, 2020 1:17 am
    People don't feel entitled to the chapters - in fact, we are very grateful for the people who translate things for free for us.However, people are upset at the group for trying to profit from their illegal work... Mozzarella

    I know the majority probably don't feel entitled but I'm honest when I said that I saw a bunch of comments about it, and that didn't make me feel good because it shouldn't be taken for granted( ̄へ ̄)But thanks again for your reply, it's always welcomed to have feedback of the events and some things I didn't know about but I still don't support the drama because it really gives a bad image of translators (in general is what I'm trying to say) and it's not the first one I come across and that's always what stands out the most and not the hard work of the silent majority so it annoys me a whole lot. But thanks for being respectful and polite (in fact, because of the recent bug of mangago, I don't know about the dislikes of my post but I guess there will be a lot, so I'm thankful to have not been bashed yet (≧∀≦) )

    Azalago April 13, 2020 1:30 am

    Thank you! Someone who gets it.

    Mozzarella April 13, 2020 1:55 am
    I know the majority probably don't feel entitled but I'm honest when I said that I saw a bunch of comments about it, and that didn't make me feel good because it shouldn't be taken for granted( ̄へ ̄)But... BambiFindus

    I think everyone could benefit so much more if people were polite like you.

    I don't think it gives a bad image on translators in general, or I surely hope not, just on this group.

    I'm very thankful for the translators for the hard work they do for free, and of which I can take much enjoyment of.

    But, ultimately, I also understand that what they do is illegal work, and this may sound really ungrateful (I swear I'm not), but in the end, they're doing it because they want to. They aren't under any obligation to do it (which makes me really grateful for the good people who do it anyway), but we also aren't under any moral obligation to help them profit.

    Tldr: I also don't like the drama, but everyone's wrong in this matter to feel entitled to anything.

    BambiFindus April 13, 2020 2:34 am
    I think everyone could benefit so much more if people were polite like you.I don't think it gives a bad image on translators in general, or I surely hope not, just on this group. I'm very thankful for the trans... Mozzarella

    Honestly I could tell you the same thing, I really appreciate how caring and respecful you are (I also saw you posted other comments about it and it was on the same tone and always thoughtful of others so thank you for that (=・ω・=) It's really nice to be able to debate like that, even if we don't always share mutual opinions )

    But that's also been bothering me (sorry to keep talking to you but I feel at ease so I hope you understand (≧∀≦) ) : In addition to you, I also saw a few comments about how Mangago is illegal. But personally, I agree you don't get to directly support the author but for me, online scans really have their place in the manga market because for example I know that I have already read a manga online (on Mangago exclusively) and bought what I already read in real because it's not the same feeling at all. Yet I know that there's a whole bunch of mangas that I could never have even knew existed if it wasn't for this site so, from my point of view, it is not only a good way to make your book known by a larger community (foreigners for example) but it is also a great way to spread the Manga Ilness (≧∀≦) Well, what I mean is that without a taste, you couldn't know if it is to your liking and you don't necessarily find the rare pearl when buying it and don't always feel the need to spend more money on things that didn't catch your attention (=・ω・=) So okay, I agree it's not really the best solution but it's not at all all bad neither (not that I think that's what you think, just conveying my honest feelings with someone pleasant (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ) (I talk really too much so sorry for the time taken (≧∀≦) )