did you even read their notice? before telling that they did it to gain fame

What notice? Stop defending their shitty stunt. They’re redirecting people to discord to earn cash off their illegal translation.

To put it into perspective...its actually mangago leeching off the scanlators and making money from it haha.
And we're all here just because it's convenient and we're lazy people who aren't willing to spare the time to individually visit the scanlator's group site to support them, who did in fact spend the time to do the leg work.

You are wrong on so many levels because:
1-You can use Adblock here
2- It’s even worse when "fans" from the community, trying to make money off of a mangaka/author’s hard work (if you want to get paid for translation do it officially)
3- Why would someone in their right mind help pay for stolen work when they can support the actual author?
4- mangago doesn’t edit the art and say “pay me so I‘ll remove my watermark which I put on this stolen work"
5- mangago doesn’t go on other mangareader websites advertising their own website.
6- scanlators are completely free to upload where ever they want, mangago (or it’s community) is not forcing anyone to upload here, if any group feels like people are leeching off of them they can simply stop posting here...

Also forgot to add this, it’s not that people are lazy but it’s unrealistic to except them to check like 10 different websites (because every group probably has a specific preference) every night to see if there’s any update or news!
websites like this have been around for decades, have a huge library from different genres and over time built a functioning notification, comment system or better interface to read webcomics etc
It’s natural that most people would be more drawn to them.
I think I’ll probably drop anything translated by this group from now on.
1- these translations aren’t legal to begin with, so I don’t understand why you’re trying to gain fame from it!
2- why you’re uploading on a different platform then? You want to leech off of this website and redirect the the traffic to your own?
Sorry but NO thanks!