I honestly want more....

MeowKoNa_| ̄|○ April 10, 2020 2:27 pm

I feel...... incomplete
As if everything that just happened starting from the time giju finally sees yuju on the street until the ending was a fever dream or that the story was on high until the end
Thanks to the previous comments, my thoughts on this are more concrete but still.....
This is quite deep, touching on topics that are very controversial yet are one of the most discrete and difficult cases to deal with
I’ve been holding off on reading this for so long and I’m both happy to have finally read it and that i still have so many questions about the story, coz this will definitely stick with me for a while
To anyone who feels apprehensive in reading this and those who have dropped this i get it coz there is much left unsaid here in my opinion(ーー;)
This is probably one of the stories that has to be read twice and over to be fully understood or catch a different meaning every time because the only problem i have with this is that the hardships that giju has experienced was never fully resolved and young-do’s disapperance

    MeowKoNa_| ̄|○ April 10, 2020 2:38 pm

    OH RIGHT!!!
    I forgot to put here my recommendations if ya guys want to read similar shit like this

    December rain is a good start for the same dark feels
    HARADA works and Nakamura Asumiko works are a good one too
    Sumiyoshi Ryo’s Madk and other works
    Nishin Masumi’s “Heartless”
    Some Chise ogawa works (forgot the titles but caste heaven is also something i’d be apprehensive about but give it a shot i guess)
    Ugh shit forgot the others......
    (´;Д;`)_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):