Everyone's mad at Jin because of the Alex thing, but honestly, I was getting fed up with h...

nicadareas April 10, 2020 11:28 am

Everyone's mad at Jin because of the Alex thing, but honestly, I was getting fed up with him before Alex even made an appearance. The way Jin keeps pushing Hamura to run track regardless of what Hamura actually wants to do really bothers me. He keeps telling Hamura how he fell in love with his running, but what happens if Hamura chooses not to run (or even possibly gets hurt and can't run)? Also, he kept harping on Hamura for not listening to Jin, but I didn't notice Jin doing much listening of Hamura either. I thought Hamura made it very clear how much he loved him and regretted losing him in high school. Hamura was very straightforward about how much he wanted to treat Jin better this time around. Even with all that Jin still managed to push everything off as being Hamura's fault. As far as the things that happened when they were younger,I feel like quite a bit of that was Jin's fault, too. It feels as though the story is trying to push it as Hamura is the only one that needs to make up for the past, though. Hamura is extremely insecure about their relationship, and Jin isn't doing a dang thing to help that situation at all.

    maychan April 10, 2020 12:06 pm

    yap it was Jin fault, cause Jin trigger him with his words knowing it will hurt him in the past. Hamura was a playboy but he needed Jin support back then, but instead, Jin chooses to say the words that he knows will make him snap and lose control, making him lose his eye.
    of course, Jin doesn't blame him cause he has no right to blame him and not cause he is a good person, cause it was his fault has well it happen to his eye.
    Jin is actually not a good person at all, he is the worse! and he kept doing things to trigger Hamura knowing it will hurt him.
    I wish Hamura could wake up and forget about him for good.