HUH?!?! (Ranting and some raw spoilers lol)

Kenzu-kun April 9, 2020 10:18 pm

Honestly what?! Huh?....
Read the raws and wtf , jin...
What is going on..
U have a boyfriend ma dude , why u be touchy with ur friend like that, honestly im mad crying rn....Hamura deserves better ,omfg..
Why is jin like that?!? Jin cant u see that u have a bf ?? Can u even feel what he feels when he sees u going on like that, ma dude C'MON!!...kissing freely in the open not bothered one bit except for him (alex) using his tongue tf....sleeping with him (Alex) in the same room while his bf(Hamura) is in the other room , HUH??...
Honestly I want someone to go and kiss hamura in front of jin, NOW U WILL FEEL WHAT HE FELT ...
Honestly when I read the raws, the part when alex and jin kissed again in the bed pissed me off. Even they're position pissed me off ..And when Hamura came , getting pissed at alex and suddenly grabs jin and kissed him ಠ,_」ಠ....Are u not gonna question why they're like that? ಠ‿ಠ cuz i need explanations....I would not even dare kiss jin if I was hamura after seeing that unsightly thing ( not even if its cleansing ) ....
Idk why im ranting to a chap i dont even understand lmao ¯_(ツ)_/¯....Maybe if this gets translated , I might change my opinio- No, i wont....
Alex u messed up this manga big time ma dude...(⌐■-■)

    maychan April 10, 2020 1:47 am

    I"m calling Jin a cheater. that what he is.

    Vkookisreal April 10, 2020 10:15 am

    Can somebody send a link to the raws?

    maychan April 10, 2020 12:09 pm
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    no Hamura was mad, he just tries to control himself so he won't snap and kick the shit out of both of them. he really does not want to lose Jin again.

    thi6hs April 12, 2020 4:37 pm
    Can somebody send a link to the raws? Vkookisreal

    the raws are on here