I ship her with no one

SoFluffy April 9, 2020 5:52 pm

I don't really see Tia with anyone tbh. It would be awesome if she could just take up the position of head of house Monique and be badass without a man. Carrot is an awesome friend and I'm kinda glad she rejected Allen since she just didn't see him that way. Not sure if she will end up with the Prince..if that would work out that great. If the author wants to do that I'm sure they'll make it work somehow but really I don't see it.

    Tobe April 10, 2020 3:16 am

    I definitelu agreed with you on that matter. I'd rather have her as a bad ass duchess than to be with someone who doesnt deserve her.

    I mean.. Carsein were indeed pretty nice but he gave off the feeling of male bestfriend who has onesided feelings for her.

    I like Allen very much even tho he has a bad side, but who else doesnt have one? everyone has their own right? But if he continues hurt and betraying Tia, then Im sorry. I wont support him on this.

    And as for Prince, oh well.. If he really do change for the better, then that would be best. But if he doesnt and continue to be a fucking jerk of a prince after reuniting with that bitch, then go die with her.

    JihYun bitch oh well such twofaced. i know theres something off with you. You cant deceive me.

    oh well who knowsss.. maybe Tia would met someone much better. But unfortunately, a spoiler said that the Prince changed for the better.