Well in historical romance novels guys dicks drip, when I was around 16 or 17 I finally got the nerve to ask my dad if that was true and I read a section to him and he (who was a total man-whore by the by) told me that if it dripped like that he should go to a doctor cause he's have a serious case of STDs. LOL
I read several different scenes from different books and authors to my dad, you know for clarification and he laughed and told me that's how a guy knows he has an STD. We figured the way it was described was supposed to be sexy for a woman reading it, not actual reality. My dad was a first class man-whore, he caught several diseases over my life time, he would tell my mom that he would have to go to the doctor because his dick was dripping (this was after they separated, they were friends for a long time before they got back together for the last decade of his life). He would answer everything I asked if he had the knowledge or help me find it if he didn't.
are there really people still believing that asses get wet with arousal and without lube??? it's really a small problem but it's really bugging me ksksks