Let's debate

Hinali April 9, 2020 12:08 pm

Recently I noticed there is a lot of manga in which there is rape, one of the character says "no" repeatedly and is forced to have sex, but the story goes on since eventually, the character raped felt pleasure (plus it's why most people who were raped and felt pleasure - physical reaction - feel guilty about that and disgusted by themselves), idk if it's just me who is too sensitive about that but I feel uneasy about the fact that it's taken lightly, so usually I post about the fact that, yeah good story but too bad there is rape again bc consent was not expressed out loud, and people tend to dislike my comment or argue about it, so is it just me who sees it like that and find it disgusting ?
you can see it a lot in all the omegaverse universe btw....

    Canah UwU April 9, 2020 12:17 pm

    Lolol yeah I kinda felt the same
    Well some of the manga has yaoi rape which is, seme being an asshole raping some uke
    I hate that lol.
    Like caste heaven it's full of rape
    I hate manga with rape and I commented some hate comment I don't care if they hate me but I'm just telling my true feelings
    But I love some manga tho cuz of character development

    z4tan April 9, 2020 12:25 pm

    Yeah it’s the same thing with abuse . Rape and abuse are so normalized in yaoi that sometimes it kinda disgusts me . I’ve been in both of those situations so I feel like it’s just mocking my experiences so I usually read the comments before reading a series . Most fujoshis are pretty much okay with it tho and some find it “hot” and “sexy” . I’ve read one comment that said “ omg I just love it when story’s have abuse and the uke gets raped(≧∀≦)” not exactly what they said but u get the point .

    Spring April 9, 2020 2:55 pm

    Dubcon in general is a really popular genre in the porn world. Only yaoi or should I say the mangago community seems to have some problems with it. Most of the time the mangas that contain rape have a rape tag in them, so I think it's best to simply avoid them.

    There are also many couples out there who are into rape play, if it's practiced in a safe environment, without anyone getting hurt, I personally don't see the issue. Kids on average watch 8,000 murders on TV before finishing elementary school and I don't see people voicing their concerns there, so why are people so hung up yaoi rape, I have no idea.

    ThatGayChicken April 9, 2020 8:11 pm

    Rape is fine in yaoi.

    Don’t take it out of context and into the real world. And we won’t have a problem.

    Canah UwU April 10, 2020 4:38 am

    To be honest yaoi is full of rape lol
    You should read shounen ai if you want some innocent love

    Hinali April 10, 2020 6:53 pm
    Dubcon in general is a really popular genre in the porn world. Only yaoi or should I say the mangago community seems to have some problems with it. Most of the time the mangas that contain rape have a rape tag ... Spring

    I'll be honest, I have been raped, I had a toxic relationship with my abuser during a few month he abused me all the time, but since I was in love and he was my first time I stayed with him. my problem is that in those mangas it's as if rape was normal and an healhy start for a love story, how romance is incorporated in the rape in itself is what I can't stand, bc let's face it, today, a few years later i'm still impacted by this trauma on my everyday life. I'm okay with rape in magas as long as it is said and reconized, as long as the story doesn't go with the " it was consensual when I said no, i'm in love, let's date, you did nothing wrong" usual plot i'm fine and won't complain. But each time it's pictured as a normal behavior, i'm concerned

    Hinali April 10, 2020 6:55 pm
    Rape is fine in yaoi. Don’t take it out of context and into the real world. And we won’t have a problem. ThatGayChicken

    Don't you fear that some people might take it as an example ? like it's done for porn ? it has been proven that porn is used as a reference for people who watch from time to time, but porn is not real life and shouldn't be taken as an accurate depiction of what should be done

    ThatGayChicken April 10, 2020 7:06 pm
    Don't you fear that some people might take it as an example ? like it's done for porn ? it has been proven that porn is used as a reference for people who watch from time to time, but porn is not real life and ... Hinali

    Yes, that’s why I said, ‘don’t take it out of context and into the real world.’

    But you’re not going to completely remove omegaverse, or porn that doesn’t show consent. It’s a waste of time, some people just shouldn’t be reading/watching anything that has to do with rape. We’re not gonna change that.

    Hinali April 10, 2020 7:21 pm
    Yes, that’s why I said, ‘don’t take it out of context and into the real world.’But you’re not going to completely remove omegaverse, or porn that doesn’t show consent. It’s a waste of time, some p... ThatGayChicken

    I know I was just wondering if I was the only one uneasy about the fact that I feel like there is more and more mangas like that lately, and about the rape/omegaverse theme