i loves this when i initially read the story but somehow, considering the recent scenes, i...

ichinnie April 7, 2020 9:40 pm

i loves this when i initially read the story but somehow, considering the recent scenes, i get a bit uncomfortable knowing whether or not the twins will end up with the dad. i just feel like a three-person relationship should not be included into the series :((((

    Noisymura April 7, 2020 9:56 pm

    Same, but in my case it's more like I'm sooooo annoyed at the fact that in the MAJORITY of stories twins always come as a "package", they have to love the same person, have the same attraction, are always willing to share people as if they were things, it's as if they can't be their own person !
    And of course if the other character have a relationship with one they must love the other too... Do any of those authors have ever met real twins ?