Empress Navier's brother did some digging up on the relations between Rashta and the viscount that enslaved her (who you'll see pretty soon) to find out her weaknesses which was the baby she had previously with the viscount's son and so Rashta is now being blackmailed by the viscount to keep it a secret from Sovieshu
Oh and Rashta is pregnant with Sovieshus kid :')
The brother was well known to be kinda hot tempered and wild so shit went down and he managed to force info out of the viscount regarding Rashta being an ex slave and about her first baby after cutting his ear off lmao
Sovieshu found out and came to the conclusion of wanting to divorce the empress bc "she couldn't control her unruly brother" as this was the second time the brother harmed Rashta and the baby (first being he put very weak abortive drugs? poison? into her food)
To me Sovieshu basically disregarded anything bad that trashta did (which was a lot of shit in between up until this point) and always blamed the empress so currently the preparations for the divorce are going forward and the brother got a temp banish from the Eastern empire
Sorry this is so long I tried my best but yeah a lot of other stuff happens in between so it'll be a while before we see this in the webtoon :'D

I wouldn't be able to say all of it bc I'd have to basically tell the whole story of the novel lmao
The emperor sent a blue bird as a gift to the empress after he ordered to have any messenger birds shot down (he knew the messenger birds was a way of communication between the empress and prince heinley)
The empress turned the gift away and while the bird was taken away rashta said she would have it and ask her maids to return it instead
She was jealous that the empress got a bird as a gift from sovieshu so she ripped feathers from the bird, hid them and blamed that the empress left it in that state
I can't remember what sovieshu had to say about it but damn that made me so upset like wtf is wrong with her
Currently on chapter 129 of the novel and I'm livid lmao no need to mention trashta but this dickhead Sovieshu istg wth is he doing and thinking bc it's fucking ridiculous :'D
The novel is amazing please do consider reading it