
Celes April 5, 2020 8:45 pm

Has finnies past already been explained?
I've skipped quite a few chapters and now seeing the Maids, I'm interested in Finnys, since he's my favourite character, ever since I bought the first few Mangas in german

    kohana-chan April 5, 2020 9:09 pm

    I think finnians past was only hinted at so far. If im not mistaken it was only mentioned that he was part of some experiments. However that could´ve also been in the anime. not sure.

    PS. ich hätte eigentlich auch auf deutsch schreiben können...oh, well

    SakasamaNoChou April 6, 2020 3:35 am

    Finnian's entire backstory was given in the Green Witch arc.

    It wasn't much, but compared to the other servants, he didn't have much of a life before Ciel took him in. So unlike Mey Rin, who had a street rat childhood and a life in the mafia that took some time to explain, his backstory could fit into a few chapters. Bard's and Tanaka's are probably going to be the same as Mey's in that aspect; they all had lives before they came to the manor. Finny didn't.

    raindragon April 7, 2020 5:31 am
    Finnian's entire backstory was given in the Green Witch arc.It wasn't much, but compared to the other servants, he didn't have much of a life before Ciel took him in. So unlike Mey Rin, who had a street rat chi... SakasamaNoChou

    bard was a soldier who warned his captain of an ambush. a smart soldier. His captain ignored bard, and bard was the only survivor on the battlefield when Sebastian showed up out of nowhere and offered him a life.
    Bard's backstory is about the same length as Finnian's.
    Actually, have you seen Wolverine's backstory "XMen Origins?" If so, you have seen Finnian's backstory. LOL That's what I think anyway. It was really good by the way.

    raindragon April 7, 2020 5:38 am
    Finnian's entire backstory was given in the Green Witch arc.It wasn't much, but compared to the other servants, he didn't have much of a life before Ciel took him in. So unlike Mey Rin, who had a street rat chi... SakasamaNoChou

    Tanaka was the phantomhive butler back several generations. He was there when OurCiel was kidnapped from the burning mansion. I'm suspicious of him. Why did he survive when even the dog was murdered? Why does he shrink so often? Is he another of the Undertaker's projects? Is he really a good guy?
    Conclusion: We don't need no mo damned backstories! Fuck that shit! Move on, bitch!

    SakasamaNoChou April 7, 2020 8:52 am
    Tanaka was the phantomhive butler back several generations. He was there when OurCiel was kidnapped from the burning mansion. I'm suspicious of him. Why did he survive when even the dog was murdered? Why do... raindragon

    You've got anime adaptation on the brain. If you completely forgot, Mey's backstory was different in the anime. She was about to kill a guy with his family present when Seb came and offered her the deal. Nothing about mafia, Lau, her friends' deaths, or giving her a good meal.

    Bard was part of a British battalion in the anime, when he's supposed to be on the American side. Furthermore, he's IN HIS MID THIRTIES. There's like, half a lifetime of unknown information about him; at his age, he should have had his own wife and family, if not any brothers or sisters or parents to talk about. There has to be a reason he'd drop everything he had in the States to go be some rich kid's chef in London.

    Tanaka is the same way. He served Phantomhive manor since CLAUDIA was alive. You know, that woman that Undertaker has this mysterious obsession with? Why did SHE take him on as a servant? Why did HE choose to serve her? Why did he stay in service after her death? It's almost guaranteed that he knows EVERYTHING, why is he staying quiet?

    Speaking of which, what about UNDERTAKER? Why's he going so far as to defy God and death itself to bring back Phantomhives? Who is Claudia and what did she mean to him? Who is he?

    Why are you saying that none of this matters?

    This entire story is BASED on characters and where their lives went wrong. If Ciel had never given his backstory about what happened to him in the cult and WHY he's got a demon at his side, you'd just think he was some prideful jerkwad who deserved none of what he had. And I'm not just talking about the twin reveal; I'm talking about his conversation with Soma over a HUNDRED CHAPTERS AGO. His backstory shows that he worked his way up from animalistic TORTURE to be a successful businessman and Guard Dog. He's shown he has the mental strength to move past the death of his family and innocence. NONE OF WHICH you would know about had there been NO BACKSTORY.

    So, no, I'm not going to "Fuck that shit!". Why? Because this shit MATTERS to some people. Like the AUTHOR. And ME. And basically every other person wishing Mey Rin happiness for her first good meal in forever.

    State your honest opinion, and expect to get an honest opinion back.
    If you don't like it, you're more than welcome to drop it.

    raindragon April 7, 2020 8:48 pm

    Stop being so rude to me, making it all personal. jesus.
    No, we do not have a backstory on Ciel. That's because he's the main character and this book is HIS STORY.
    Why on earth would you speak for the author? You can say what you think, but don't beat me over the head with the author's feelings cuz you don't know them, and you know what else, you don't know how an author and artist feels, thinks, and views their story.
    Ciel hasn't "worked his way up" from anything. That's just not in his story, and it sounds weird to say it. He has events, episodes, epiphanies. He has resilience and resourcefulness, but he's always been noble, and calling him a bootstrap kind of guy is just so wrong. Also, businessman? Don't demote him for chrissakes!
    Who is Claudia? Isn't that something from a computer game on your brain?
    Carefully crafted writing doesn't allow for "backstories." It's only in serialized works that it's even half-ass acceptable, and if this form was a little more competitive, you'd lose your audience if you tried to pull off a lot of such digressions as Mey Rin's backstory.
    and if you can't handle, "fuck that shit" then you're just a snowflake, aren't you?

    SakasamaNoChou April 7, 2020 11:25 pm
    Stop being so rude to me, making it all personal. jesus. No, we do not have a backstory on Ciel. That's because he's the main character and this book is HIS STORY. Why on earth would you speak for the author... raindragon

    Like I said. If you don't like it, you're more than welcome to drop it.

    Ciel hasn't worked his way up from anything? No. Just no. You don't just "experience" something and move on from it easy peasy. Especially not the death of your family, caged torture, and rape. It changes you, permanently. He was born noble, yes, but he EARNED the title of Watchdog. He WORKED for Funtom to exist. He lost everything and still chose to keep living. That's not something you just "do". You can be born with noble blood and still be a prideful jerk who does nothing. And he's the CEO of a toy company; boi that IS a businessman.

    He may be the star of this story, but he is not the only piece of it. Since the beginning of the story, even when this series was intended to be written as a single-volume oneshot, there was foreshadowing about Ciel's past. Foreshadowing requires closure, and for a reveal from the past, that requires a backstory. Like I said, you don't just GET something, so its interesting to see HOW Ciel came to get everything. How did he get loyal servants with inhuman abilities? How did he get connections to the Underworld? How did he come to stand on top with everything against him? This story is not meant to be told linearly, and it's not meant to be from one perspective. You need multiple three dimensional characters to build complex relationships and tell a compelling story. If you don't think that's important, this is NOT the story for you.

    If Yana didn't want to tell the story like this, she wouldn't have written it. She foreshadowed the twin reveal for 11 years. This IS something she cares about. If she didn't, she'd go ahead and write some sloppy, halfassed story arcs that paled in comparison to what we get now. If you don't like it, find something else.

    Personal attacks? I asked why you thought backstories didn't matter. I used "Fuck that shit!" (<--- see the quotes?) because I was paraphrasing YOU. My entire argument was to parry your opinion against mine; not once was I intentionally rude to you. You're the one who can't handle opposing opinions without having to call someone names like a child would. Most people in the topic section of the story have something different to say. You can hate Mey Rin being in the spotlight and hate Yana for sidetracking the story, but people are going to disagree with you. If you can't take that, once again, I recommend you find something else.

    SakasamaNoChou April 7, 2020 11:29 pm

    Hey Celes, sorry that your question got hijacked by us. If you want Finny's backstory, try Chapter 92. There's some other pieces of it in other chapters, but that's where the bulk of it is :)

    raindragon April 8, 2020 9:31 am
    I think finnians past was only hinted at so far. If im not mistaken it was only mentioned that he was part of some experiments. However that could´ve also been in the anime. not sure.PS. ich hätte eigentlich ... kohana-chan

    Examples taken from the first season of the Kuroshitsuji anime, which is written by Yana Toboso, is a valid part of Black Butler. There's nothing wrong with that background information.

    PS Es ist gut, dass Sie auf Englisch geschrieben haben, damit wir alle verstehen können

    raindragon April 12, 2020 6:33 am

    his voice is too high.

    raindragon April 13, 2020 7:28 am
    bard was a soldier who warned his captain of an ambush. a smart soldier. His captain ignored bard, and bard was the only survivor on the battlefield when Sebastian showed up out of nowhere and offered him a l... raindragon

    this is for sakasamaschou's rude ass. LOL -Ciel owns Funtom. His title is OWNER. He can be the CEO or someone else can be, but only Ciel can claim the highest title of Owner. If you want to credit him, give him his full rank. God knows he earned it

    Shiro Usagi April 15, 2020 5:04 pm
    Tanaka was the phantomhive butler back several generations. He was there when OurCiel was kidnapped from the burning mansion. I'm suspicious of him. Why did he survive when even the dog was murdered? Why do... raindragon

    I'm suspicious of Tanaka, too. I don't trust him. I wonder what Sebastian knows about him?

    raindragon April 17, 2020 1:40 am
    I'm suspicious of Tanaka, too. I don't trust him. I wonder what Sebastian knows about him? @Shiro Usagi

    I meant to look to see if Tanaka had the Major Domo pin on during that frame-up scene.

    Celes April 17, 2020 9:49 pm
    Hey Celes, sorry that your question got hijacked by us. If you want Finny's backstory, try Chapter 92. There's some other pieces of it in other chapters, but that's where the bulk of it is :) SakasamaNoChou

    Thank you for your answers :)

    It's also nice how people have so much knowledge about this manga and anime, that they are able to compare them to each other! :D
    I definitely have to reread everything! XD

    raindragon April 18, 2020 5:24 am
    Examples taken from the first season of the Kuroshitsuji anime, which is written by Yana Toboso, is a valid part of Black Butler. There's nothing wrong with that background information.PS Es ist gut, dass Sie ... raindragon

    *are valid parts

    raindragon April 18, 2020 5:29 am
    Tanaka was the phantomhive butler back several generations. He was there when OurCiel was kidnapped from the burning mansion. I'm suspicious of him. Why did he survive when even the dog was murdered? Why do... raindragon

    later on I thought about it and maybe someone thought I was calling them a bitch. No, the truth might just offend you more. I was talking to Yana, but she can take a joke. LOL

    raindragon April 18, 2020 5:31 am
    Thank you for your answers :)It's also nice how people have so much knowledge about this manga and anime, that they are able to compare them to each other! :DI definitely have to reread everything! XD Celes

    aww, you remind me of Finnian. sweet and nice