Shizuku wanting to leave, I can understand. Trying to take the baby with her, telling Naot...

Hon3ybeezzz April 5, 2020 7:59 pm

Shizuku wanting to leave, I can understand. Trying to take the baby with her, telling Naoto that he needs to tell her the truth, and Naoto trying to keep it a secret from Hazuki is not okay. First if all, Shizuku is not the parent of the baby, naoto is. She had no right to try and take the baby with her. Second of all, no parent in their right mind would ever tell their children things are not okay. Her expecting Naoto to tell her the truth is unrealistic and her getting mad at him for it is uncalled for. She basically told him he was a bad parent for trying his best to not worry her and keep her safe, when that's what a parent is supposed to do. And last but not least, It's your job to tell your spouse your worries and their job to listen, and vice versa. The first thing Naoto should have done when they walked through that door was ask his mother-in-law if she could take care of the children, because he needs to talk with Hazuki, and then told Hazuki his worries so that Hazuki could help him find a solution, or Told Hazuki from the get go that he had something he had to tell him once the children are asleep. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    afroluv April 5, 2020 9:35 pm

    Totes agree.
    Being the big sis doesn't give her parental rights. She's 8 not 18 so she shouldn't be privy to adult bizness. I think she should have supported her mommy and told him it'll be okay if he told Ha-kun everything. She blabbed first and Naoto was pretty terrified of how angry Hazuki was...if he could've gotten the courage to tell him before Shizuku, the atmosphere would have bern calmer imho.
    A lot of commenters are praising her too much for calling her mom a liar and telling Hazuki what happened in the park. Maybe they are all for Naoto telling her he was gang raped with a side explanation of how sex works and where babies come from plus an oh, btw the rapist we met in the park had the fastest sperm and so that evil prick is your dad. Why not? 8 year olds can handle total honesty, right?

    Hon3ybeezzz April 5, 2020 11:51 pm
    Totes agree.Being the big sis doesn't give her parental rights. She's 8 not 18 so she shouldn't be privy to adult bizness. I think she should have supported her mommy and told him it'll be okay if he told Ha-ku... afroluv

    I know right!? I honestly feel bad for Naoto. I'd be heartbroken if my child said that to me. There's absolutely no need for him to feel like a bad parent, because he did nothing wrong. I get that Shizuku doesn't like that her mom is putting up a good front when he's in pain, but her getting mad and calling him out on it, to the point where she said she doesnt want a mommy who lies, is only putting him in more pain. My legit reaction was bro wtf? No parent wants to be told they're doing a bad job by their own child, they have enough trouble hoping they're doing it enough, let alone right, as it is. I do believe it was good that she ratted him out tho, because I don't want him to go through this alone and Hazuki has the right to know. If she didn't rat him out then I don't think he would've said anything and things would have gotten worse.