elahDemonyitah April 4, 2020 4:13 pm

Finish,.. just finish reading it.
Excuse me Ms. Author I have a lot of questions here... can you pkease answer it ..
Im kinda a slow person ...

1. Sangwoo Mom? Is dead or alive ? While Bum is there at Sangwoo's house is she hiding? Or she dead?
2. The reason why Sangwoo go totally got nuts its because the mother got jealous with her own son? And tried to kill Sangwoo right?
3. The officer realise that he made a mistake about one of his conclusion right?
4. Bum is a total idiot right?
5. Sangwoo is the victim for me, and this is not a question. Just stating my opinion.

    pearlywaters April 6, 2020 9:26 am

    1.Sangwoo's mom died
    2.Sangwoo got molested by his mom (I think)
    3.I'm not sure if he realises it..
    4.He is an idiot for staying with Sangwoo when he had the chance to run
    5.In some ways, he is a victim but he was a serial killer. No excuses for that but I respect your opinion.

    LynxSeoltang April 6, 2020 3:09 pm

    I agree with sangwoo being the victim. All the craziness he got in his head. It's all because of what his mom did to him. But at the same time i had a feeling Bum can tie up some loose screws in his head if only that high school didn't messed up with him at the same time the police didn't dig much deeper in the situation. I mean that's fucked up. But his head is fucked up too. He should be in a mental facility not in jail.