Well, that is rude. And honestly, what is your point in saying this? To kindly ask people to explain why they are so confused about the story while you are not? Or to let readers kindly know they should read the story better, because you understood it right away? For one, you didn't say it kindly, and either way, you are braging about yourself and looking down on people. And neither are good characteristics to be honest. So ask yourself: what the hell was the point of saying this?

It's also not always the best translations......no shame to the translator but it can be confusing to get the point across with out a proofreader or editor. So ppl might find the sentence structure strange and just pass over it. Kinda like how your brain still can read a sentence as long as the first and last letters of the word are correct
Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Just saying there are other point then they just didnt read it that's why they are confused.

I'm still boggled but, please enlighten me... WHAT part of YOUR comment ATTACKING my character, was an act of "KINDNESS"? Or are you also "confused" by the definition of "kindness" like you were when you called me "rude"? I really wanted to dismiss your b.s. from the start, but your ignorance is quite fascinating.
I know this is gonna get a lot of dislikes, but who cares! Truth hurts...I guess?
Here it goes: for the people "confused" about the story so far... have y'all ACTUALLY been reading it or just scanning through it?