Can someone please explain Ignac's family tree and his grandmother's lover. It's so confus...

FairyGodMother April 4, 2020 1:10 am

Can someone please explain Ignac's family tree and his grandmother's lover. It's so confusing.

    Mimi April 29, 2020 11:08 am

    Four generations back, the king and a witch had a son. That son is Ignac's grandfather who paired with the queen of the witches. They had Ignac's father who was kidnapped and paired with the new king's daughter and they had Ignac.

    So basically everything you knew up to this point, but it turns out Grandma accidentally granted her own wish of uniting the queen of the witches with the "king of men". Only it didn't really solve anything because her man was considered illegitimate, but was still the first born. So in theory Ignac and his father and grandfather could be the rightful heirs to the throne, and all three of them were born to witch blood. Also means Ignac's anti-magic thing is super strong because for the past couple of generations his ancestors have been pairing with witches.