
HOOOMAN April 3, 2020 5:13 pm

I thought the FL would be a mature, rich and workaholic lady just by looking at the cover hahahaha I guessed wrong

    Comadrin June 29, 2020 2:09 am

    Mature, rich, workaholic? I'd be sarcastic, except for the fact that ALL romance novel covers, from Georgette Heyer onward have almost nothing to do with the stories they cover (not to mention the blurbs on the cover, which would make St Francis of Assisi sound like a lusty hippie). Heck, if Jane Austin was an up and coming paperback author, the cover of Pride and Prejudice would have Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth in flagrante delicto with him looking like a lusty body builder and Elizabeth looking like the girl who holds up the round number placard at a wrestling match (no doubt wearing spike heels).
    Anyway, I have to talk about the FL. I really loved Hilary. She was a livin' doll with a lot of spunk, and a beautifully caring disposition. I also loved Pippa, more from her verbal a**-whuppin' of Tabbie's lover in "The Frenchman's Love-Child" than in her own story. Lynne Graham can come up with some really good main ladies, unlike the usual Harlequin dose of mind-bogglingly dumb women who would forgive Hitler and Stalin and swear to love them forever! I'm a guy, and I love women. I also like them, which many Harlequin ML's don't seem to do at all. Boy are they losing out on great conversations with what I think of as the more fascinating half of humanity!