first of all, i just wanna go back to the days when they’re just fooling around and are ...

maiii April 2, 2020 6:14 pm

first of all, i just wanna go back to the days when they’re just fooling around and are happy and claude is being his overprotective and doting father that he is that’s very whipped for his one and only daughter, athy. where everyone’s focus is just athy and the father-daughter relationship because the recent chapters are quite depressing (︶︿︶) second, i really don’t wanna hate jeannette (idk the spelling) cause she’s really a good kid but ofc i’m team athy so her and the king getting close is kinda meh for me

    Deaf Bunny April 4, 2020 1:10 pm

    They aren’t really getting close. XD Claude immediately sleeps when Jenny is around, so no bonding forming there. XD

    maiii April 4, 2020 3:26 pm

    not close close but ig i get the feeling that he's becoming more comfortable having her around than his actual daughter (bc he always gets headaches right) so maybe im worried that that might be a stepping stone for their relationship to get better or smth

    Deaf Bunny April 4, 2020 3:50 pm
    not close close but ig i get the feeling that he's becoming more comfortable having her around than his actual daughter (bc he always gets headaches right) so maybe im worried that that might be a stepping ston... maiii

    I have this personal theory that all of them are cursed by Anastacius. Claude gets headache whenever he’s with Athy because something is trying to block his memories of her. And he can sleep when Jeanny is around because Jeanny is unconsciously, unintentionally sucking the life out of him. So it’s not really about getting close. It’s about Claude being murdered slowly in a convoluted to take back the throne from him by his ‘beloved brother’. XD Something is very fishy and out baby boi Lucas can smell it. X’333

    maiii April 6, 2020 8:29 pm
    I have this personal theory that all of them are cursed by Anastacius. Claude gets headache whenever he’s with Athy because something is trying to block his memories of her. And he can sleep when Jeanny is ar... Deaf Bunny

    oh your theory is really interesting.. i just thought that maybe his headaches are the side effects of her changing the flow of the story (which i doubt is the case bc it is HER story now) i still have a lot of questions especially with what happened regarding the magic/mana thing but hopefully they would be answered in the upcoming chapters

    Deaf Bunny April 7, 2020 10:07 am
    oh your theory is really interesting.. i just thought that maybe his headaches are the side effects of her changing the flow of the story (which i doubt is the case bc it is HER story now) i still have a lot of... maiii

    You mean Athy’s mana?
    I think Athy had always had strong mana, even before she was born. She inherited it from her father, Claude. And I think that’s why Diana even died in the first place. Athy had so much mana that Diana’s body couldn’t handle it. (If you can remember, Claude got angry with Diana in the first place because she chose to die giving birth to their child rather than choosing him.) I think Jeanny’s mom also died because of too much mana. XD Lucas also mentioned it when he first met Athy. That her mana is so strong that it had taken the form of Blackie so it wouldn’t burden her physical limit.
    Apparently, Lucas had put several protection for Athy so she doesn’t absorb Blackie back all in one time, maybe perhaps, just gradually. But remember that Athy wore that hair pin that Jeanny bought and it was touched by Anastascius. That probably broke Lucas’ protection hence why Blackie went back into Athy so suddenly and her physical limit breached and that’s why Claude had to step in to save her from her own magic. XD
    Whew! That was a long speculation. XD