My god, what an asshole that doc is. Tbh, if we'd seen them hooking up and all the steps b...

May April 2, 2020 2:00 pm

My god, what an asshole that doc is. Tbh, if we'd seen them hooking up and all the steps before Dojun woke up, I might not feel that uncomfortable with this chapter. But we know as much as Dojun does and when he woke up naked I felt as confused and horrified as him. He was drunk af and doc obviously knows he took advantage of him, ok fine whatever, but to then go around and try to make Dojun feel at fault wtf doc? I thought you were the blunt, up-front sort, who'd chase after Dojun with annoying persistence, what's this emotional manipulation BS?

    zaswas15 April 2, 2020 2:04 pm

    I agrrree, First I was so cinfused becouse the doc looks a bit like the omega and the older brother like the omeag partner so I was hella confused in the begining but then I understod that it wasn't the first coupe but. The doc trally is a dick in this chapter. Like he is so mean.

    May April 3, 2020 3:17 am
    I agrrree, First I was so cinfused becouse the doc looks a bit like the omega and the older brother like the omeag partner so I was hella confused in the begining but then I understod that it wasn't the first c... zaswas15

    Yeah, I hear you, I keep having to take a minute to figure out if it's the big bro or the main alpha.