Fk... my kokoro, mannnnggggghhh... It really hurt bad lol but a lot of moments were sweet....

Kataomoicha April 2, 2020 11:45 am

Fk... my kokoro, mannnnggggghhh...
It really hurt bad lol but a lot of moments were sweet. Tbh i really dunno which black hair dude she'll end up, really. I prefer Sazaku because he was that push. Uota(forgot proper spelling already) have history with her?? But then nah.. he did her dirty tbh. But not as much as the couple did to him brahhhh.. I really dislike Ran san & Una chan.. there was many ways to phrase to get the message across. &&Una is the one that needs to distance. Its sad that he quits.. Hopefully we don't see una and Uota get together... it was just calling for it.

Despite it all.. i think this had such a realistic tone on shoujo. I'm loving it. More than romance.. i think we will be dealing with a good coming of age and finding oneself kind of story. Its gonna hit us deeeeep. Idk I'm in for it lol... I relate to her a lot with the smiling + cheering habit. Shit drains. My pillows are tofu now. I'm subscribing lool

    PhoenixFyre June 10, 2020 11:28 am


    She ends up with the guy who plays the horn instrument.

    Meru21 October 7, 2020 10:37 am
    SPOILER...............She ends up with the guy who plays the horn instrument. PhoenixFyre

    Duh. Lol. Saw that coming at the beginning of this.