First: Every movie is based on real life. Any art is. That's what makes it art: it's a human expression of their own reality.
Second: there's A LOT of documentaries and films about real people, famous or not. And a lot of documentaries in serial killers or series putting criminals as endearing. We don't even know if real names were used or if they didn't had permission of the victim. It was an awarded movie publicly displayed so it should have it. You are just assuming things on your own because you want to look at it in the worst way.
Third: are you just disregarding the violent death of 3 people under the argument "they didn't rape the girl"? Is Once upon a Time in Hollywood "right" just because there was no raping? Even after watching how a person is incinerated while screaming and a dog eats another one?
How you even dare to bash in one movie and defend the other? How extensive is your double standard?
Who's the fucked up one? You should be ashamed.

There is a difference between fictional characters and real life people.
Lmfao girl they didn't die that way. Tarantino didn't recreated real life events.
I think there is a difference between porn and documentary don't you think? We make documentaries so we will remember and we could learn. Also in most of them you don't get recreation explicit deaths. Let's be real.
Some movies are made to show the brutality of the war etc hoping the history won't repeat.
But making porn? What's the point. It's for pleasure purpose.
I don't have anything against rape porn... But making it on real life victims... Is questionable.

I'm not a girl, your sentences weren't at all neutral and yes: there's ridiculization and/or porn referred to the Holocaust and other sensible topics too.
Of course it's questionable, but that doesn't make the producer or writer a rapist or a bad person. WE HAVEN'T EVEN WATCHED THE MOVIE. We just know about it from the point of view of two biased persons.
Returning to Tarantino as an example: I can think Django is a ridiculization of the torture and cruelty black people had to deal just for the sake of a morbid entertainment. That's my opinion and it's valid, and as you said this movie was "questionable". BUT it's still art. It's still a way of expression and it has an specific intend.
It should be taken as it is, it's not an excuse to bane the producer from society.
McQueen doesn't want to just sell porn, He's truly an artist. He is serious about it, and He tends to experiment with it a lot. He has done a lot of different screenplays, not always porn, and sure you can say he step over the boundaries doing that documentary but that's not even everything that He is. As He himself said: He's not ashamed of porn, but that's not what defines him.
WE define him by that, and it's totally unfair.
Ed dared to base all his complains in that movie, instead of everything He knew about McQueen. Everyone LOVED Glenn before that movie came to light, and suddenly a chance of hearts. It's unfair to him, and He knows it. He's sick of it. Just give him a break.
You can be against the movie and still be reasonable enough to avoid destroying his life. Or, as a viewer of this story, reasonable enough to not call him a rapist/bad man.

Sorry for assuming your gender.
I don't agree that art is limitless. It shouldn't be. There are limits that shouldn't be crossed. It's immoral.
I never called him a rapist, it's illogical. But making porn, which purpose is pleasure and "jerking off" on real life rapist is incomprehensible to me. There is no point in creating work like that. Beside being controversial and failure to respect the victims.
A couple of chapters before I had all this people bashing McQueen and calling him "a rapist". They always said "You will see! He's scum, He recorded a rape! He utilize people! He only care for the money!"
So, I waited. And now I know you all people are just morons.
No, He's not a rapist. He didn't recorded a rape either: He filmed a movie.
It was distateful to some? maybe. It was a great deal to Ryan? perhaps.
Is it wrong? NO.
I personally don't like Quentin Tarantino films but they're still ART. They're violent, an ode to the absurd, they are sickening and portray a terrible facade of humanity but they're still art. That doesn't make Tarantino a murderer, He's AN ARTIST.
McQueen has been always a serious artist with a pation for filming. He is truthfull to this and is also a good person: He didn't coherse anybody, He didn't manipulate them or even commit fraud. He never pull shit like 'you are forced to this contract' and even show care when one of his actors was being injured on a recording (even if the actor himself didn't call it out).
What's his sin? Filming porn? Well, Walk on water is a story that tries to make you understand THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH PORN.
Our protagonist didn't felt guilty or "dirty" at doing it or after that. He even had some thrill and when he decided to stop He just stopped.
When did He felt shitty? When "normal" people discovered it and treat him like trash for it. When he lost his job, when He was seen with disgust.
It's not porn fault. It's not McQueen fault. Our protagonist wasn't doing anything wrong. You know what fucked his life? PREJUDICE
And here we are, blaming McQueen about being a rapist because he films porn without caring what kind of person He is and what kind of serious and caring bussines He has built. JUST BECAUSE WE THINK DOING PORN IS WRONG.
what's the matter with us? We are understanding all of this in the opposite way. McQueen isn't to blame: SOCIETY IS TO BLAME.
And we think McQueen is an asshole? NO he's an assertive man. He's totally right: He's just a man with an opportunity for you, it's your choice if you take it. He's very clear about the consequences and you decide on it.
"A pimp" force a person to do something that you don't want with a person you don't want for as long as He decide. IT'S NOT THE SAME.
Glenn is a good man, I'm pissed everyone wants to pour the blame on him as if He is a trash can. He has been used too, He is suffering too, and He doesn't deserve anything of this.