I do see some things like i may know that once my alter.. for example.. talked to this one person or maybe hung out with them but i don't know if it was actually real maybe it was a dream and its pretty awkward to ask that person ' hey did we meet yesterday??' Like maybe them and my alter hung out whole day and i don't even know..
Once i ended up in principals office cuz apparently my alter beat up my best friend who punched me.. nothing happens without a reason but imagine how scared i was thinking that i got in trouble for some i didn't even do but ofc i have to take responsibility!
Its not like i can tell them ' it wasn't me it was other me!' XDDDDDDDD
So!! Something i wanna point out that actually made me soooo happy about this story!!
Rei is showen with more emotions other than rage or anger.. even tho its lust im still grateful
You see whenever there is DID person everyone tends to see like (in my case) oh this one is the angry one!!
Or this one is the sweet one!!
Every alter has their own personality not just one part of it!!
You can't say that if N(host) is angry "OMG IS IT Y(alter) ???!"
NO just because i wanna punch you in the face doesn't mean that I'll switch to do it!! I'll punch you in the face!!
RARELY a person switches to another alter for NO reason.. there must be something going on with the situation or the host itself.. for example triggering topic.. just flashbacks.. a chocolate cake..(positive trigger that fucker took my pudding)