Okay here I go

YuiYuyang April 1, 2020 1:22 pm

It was unnecessarily harsh and cruel of ed to take out his frustrations on McQueen. The reason for him losing his job, getting punched in the face is not McQueen. Its him filming porn. Just because we were not shown McQueen's version of suffering doesnt mean he was chilling on the beach with his phone turned off. He was dealing with shit as well. When tough times come they dont do so with warning. He was handling his own side of things...coz life came at him hard....and when any sane person is dealing with shit they dont find the time to call or text back anybody...no matter who that person is. McQueen doesn't owe ed an apology for anything...coz he is not the one at fault. We all knew ed included that the porn thing was gonna blow up in his face one day...and it did. As we all had expected... it arrived.

    Anonymous April 1, 2020 2:23 pm
    Ok bro cool you have opened my eyes.....all the studies i did all tis yrs was waste i understand Annie k

    Him I will be doctor in two years. Don't make me laugh. I've read more studies than you in two months.

    YuiYuyang April 1, 2020 2:25 pm

    Hold on guys imma come back after I have my dinner

    Saymyname April 1, 2020 2:30 pm
    Life and addition which is both physical and mental illness forced them. If they could have done better they would choose something different than porn. Straight guys doing gay porn. Think a little about that. ... @Anonymous

    I do think...I live in Europe, life isn’t easy there, specially when u r single and young, without experience.... I did until now a lot of jobs, but I have never thought about doing a porn...probably u r right, I will be never able to understand

    YuiYuyang April 1, 2020 2:56 pm
    Hahahahah you are naive. If they turned to porn they literally didn't have any option to earn bigger money is such a short amount of time. Different job I can't. @Anonymous

    Yes you talk as if McQueen is the reason they r in debt and to pay him back they need to film porn. A straight man doing gay porn must be really really desperate but McQueen is not giving job offers..they come with their own two feet conscious of the decisions they have made okay. Ever heard of taking responsibility for your actions? No matter how wrong it is? This is it. McQueen ain't some sleazy bastard walking around giving flyers to desperate people...they come to him....and Idk he give a flying fuck about how the money they earn is spent. If u want to change our mind stick to the topic dont force ur opinions on us.

    Anonymous April 1, 2020 5:14 pm
    Yes you talk as if McQueen is the reason they r in debt and to pay him back they need to film porn. A straight man doing gay porn must be really really desperate but McQueen is not giving job offers..they come ... YuiYuyang

    Yeah especially someone who is addicted to drugs is so responsible and free willed. You act as if McQueen gave them money for nothing, some kind of charity, when he earns big money on his actors and they get some small percentage of that.
    Sorry I wouldn't hire such people myself. It's immoral. Ryan should be put in rehab not getting casted in movie about rapist and his victims... And then getting thrown away.

    Annie k April 2, 2020 8:52 am
    Him I will be doctor in two years. Don't make me laugh. I've read more studies than you in two months. @Anonymous

    Good for u love!! I really seeing ppl progressing in there life.

    YuiYuyang April 2, 2020 9:44 am
    Yeah especially someone who is addicted to drugs is so responsible and free willed. You act as if McQueen gave them money for nothing, some kind of charity, when he earns big money on his actors and they get so... @Anonymous

    Okay saint...McQueen is wrong....he should've not given Ryan the gig and sent him to rehab coz McQueen is responsible for ALL the people who come to him. McQueen should ask all the auditioners about their problems and then help them coz he is mother Teresa. McQueen should give his production company's shares to all the actors instead so that they can all earn money consistently and that way Ryan and everyone will be rich and happy. When u become a doctor dont ask for salary ask for hospital shares okay, so that u and the hospital owner can earn money together because why the fuck should the owner get more money than u...its not like he bought the equipments, build the hospital, provided beds, offices, counters and shit. U should earn just as much as him.
    What a fucking idiot..living in ur own idiotic world. DUMB FUCK. Use ur brains dont get swept away by nonsense...actors and producers earn different sums for the same fucking movie..this ain't a fairy tale. Fucking idiot. Dont waste my time. No one is going to go help everyone who comes to them looking to earn money. No producer or directors gonna be like u know what my actor has a drug problem let me take him to a rehab and help him. Make ur arguments have sense. Dont uselessly blabber.

    Anonymous April 2, 2020 11:23 am
    Okay saint...McQueen is wrong....he should've not given Ryan the gig and sent him to rehab coz McQueen is responsible for ALL the people who come to him. McQueen should ask all the auditioners about their prob... YuiYuyang

    Oh said the real ignorant here. Only plebeians start to insult when they can't think about of any argument.
    Glen still got involved in their personal lives but didn't make any accommodation for mixing work and play. Ie: despite becoming a boyfriend or close friend figure, he was still okay with benefiting big time off of their pornos, despite the real negative impact it had on them.
    Ed even says McQueen is fine and will be fine but Ed is ruined.
    They weren't some strangers after time. He didn't help Ryan for years and didn't care about his fate and his daughter. He cut him off on any roles.
    I can't with people protecting abusers. It's disgusting.

    YuiYuyang April 2, 2020 12:26 pm
    Oh said the real ignorant here. Only plebeians start to insult when they can't think about of any argument.Glen still got involved in their personal lives but didn't make any accommodation for mixing work and p... @Anonymous

    You know what I simply cant with u. Abusers? Lmfao. Let's see ur change in narrative when chan rapes ed and runs to McQueen and their misunderstanding is over. I didnt cuss u coz i couldnt think of an argument I cussed u out coz u r the literal definition of a dumb fuck...dayum man talk about reading too much into something. U just want to blame someone for ed and Ryan's consciously ruined life. As if they are ignorant children. McQueen is just a punching bag for u, u think u are right in blaming everything on McQueen and all that does is make me see what kind of person u are. U blame everything on someone else for the decisions u made. Cant take it when life comes and bites u in the ass. What a beautiful outlook. Just coz I said ed shouldn't have gone off at McQueen I am protecting an abuser....thanks for the good laugh my lord.

    Anonymous April 2, 2020 1:50 pm
    You know what I simply cant with u. Abusers? Lmfao. Let's see ur change in narrative when chan rapes ed and runs to McQueen and their misunderstanding is over. I didnt cuss u coz i couldnt think of an argument ... YuiYuyang

    Even if you don't agree with someone and think their argumentation is silly lowering yourself to slurs shows your level.
    Did you read this chapter. Ed himself said he is at fault too BUT it's a fact that McQueen is taking advantage of people and profiting on their misfortune. What's more he mixed personal and professional and then hid behind professional where it was convenient for him.

    Anonymous April 2, 2020 2:06 pm
    You know what I simply cant with u. Abusers? Lmfao. Let's see ur change in narrative when chan rapes ed and runs to McQueen and their misunderstanding is over. I didnt cuss u coz i couldnt think of an argument ... YuiYuyang

    Haha you think I'm some double standard bitch who wanted Ed with Chang. Good one hahahha. No, I have to to disappoint. Never, ever will I ship someone with their rapist. And Chang's character is walking yaoi cliché. Shallow and illogical.

    YuiYuyang April 3, 2020 2:21 am
    Haha you think I'm some double standard bitch who wanted Ed with Chang. Good one hahahha. No, I have to to disappoint. Never, ever will I ship someone with their rapist. And Chang's character is walking yaoi cl... @Anonymous

    How did u even get all this from what I said? I think that u want ed with chang?dayum girl just how do u come up with these shit? Fake woke? So inflexible in ur thinking. U are literally bringing out things from McQueen's past that no body mentioned supporting and are going on and on about the same thing that I am protecting an abuser McQueen is a bad boyfriend.....i think u like reading too much between the lines like how u got this chang and ed thing completely twisted out of what it actually meant to what u wanted it to mean. nobody is supporting a rapist or an abuser but u just want to spew shit with all that fake woke shit u have going on to fit ur narrative by blowing things out of proportion but u know what go off.

    YuiYuyang April 3, 2020 2:35 am
    Even if you don't agree with someone and think their argumentation is silly lowering yourself to slurs shows your level. Did you read this chapter. Ed himself said he is at fault too BUT it's a fact that McQuee... @Anonymous

    How did he mix personal with professional? By sleeping with ed? By making a movie about his personal life under an alias ? U only read about how ed suffered so according to u McQueen didnt at all? Ed has nothing left but McQueen does so he should be blamed for everything? Dont lose urself in this webtoon think a little realistically....how does business work irl?how do people act irl ? What happened when there is a scandal ? Think a little...u sound like a broken record with just one line "he is a bad bf, u are protecting abusers"....and u have milked that line more that necessary. I dont support rapist or protect abusers but when time comes I can judge a situation unbiased and not hold a person's past against them...I love ed but I know taking out frustrations when I see it and I called him out for it. And u can think I am lowering myself by using slurs at u but i cant help it i cant call a tiger a lion to fit into ur standard...i am polite to people who are polite to me...take care dumb fuck.

    Anonymous April 3, 2020 10:30 am
    How did u even get all this from what I said? I think that u want ed with chang?dayum girl just how do u come up with these shit? Fake woke? So inflexible in ur thinking. U are literally bringing out things fro... YuiYuyang

    He is perfect bf. He knew Ed lost everything and didn't care to call ONCE. He only cared about himself.
    And let's not play dumb. McQueen knew what can happen when he realised movie like that and his screenwriting was recognized.
    Ed is new in porn industry and younger, he also considered himself straight not a long time ago.
    Seriously you are so dumb? He is his fuckin boss, he was Ryan's boss and he started some kind of relationships with both of them. He has upper hand and to the very end of this story will have. If you don't see power imbalance then no-one can't help you.
    Ed and Glen are not equal. By the end of the day, no matter how many people call him a pimp, he still has a place to be. Ed has nothing, and he taunted Ed with that. And while Ed regretted the harsh words that came out and chased after Glen (even though he was hurt the most out of this), Glen still cared more about his hurt pride and ego and oh so thoughtful "art" than his lover who has nothing to fall back on
    I didn't offend you even once.
    You know I just should make an account to report you, you rude plebeian.