i'm also a muslim from the middle east but Allah means God in english, its just in arabic language
even the arab christians says Allah,
in english its God
in arabic its Allah
in japanese its Kami-sama and so on...
and its not really offensive
the only wrong here is that they had sex before marriage. XD

yeah its wrong they have sex bfore marriage.. what i really mad is he use Allah.. he said Allah's will that he attracted to that women and then have sex with her.. what im try to saying is its like Allah told him to have sex with her bfore marriage.. thats what i been mad for.. unless he said God's will i attracted and sex with that woman.. thats ok..

Allah is not only for islam , Allah is God but in arabic language , even the arab christians here in the middle east who are arabs say Allah instead of God since God is in english language and they speak in arabic !!
and in this manga i think they said Allah since they are stated in the middle east and he is an arab, so its doesn't really matter since the term Allah is not only for muslims.

oh,, okay. perhaps since we dont know they used Allah as their term to called their god for non islam people in middle east. so thats why there's a mishaps or misunderstanding??
but thinking this is written by japanesse mangaka i cant say the same tho.
well, let just discuss this so that we can undersand each other. (⌒▽⌒)
i also get the point of the wrong interpretation that will lead into a big mishap.

I think this is more of a cultural appreciation case, they used Allah, instead for God or KamiSama, because they’re trying to show where he is from. This is a story that is just kinda taking some stuff that they thought would be cool for their story from the misspelled east culture(I’m generalizing because I skimmed this story). So it’s okay if you feel like it wasn’t an accurate presentation, b/c it wasn’t, btw I don’t think issuing God in this case would have been right, because they aren’t Christian, basically they used Allah to give you a sense of where they are from. It’s a very surface level way of doing things.

well i dont know why god an equal term for christian god, since in most documenter about religion mostly said god then their name, such as god in hindu called .... or god in islam called.... this was the case that i watch tho. so i cant really said its right also. but then every people has a different interpretation so there's really no right or wrong. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Sorry I didn’t mean for it to sound like that, but a lot of other religions like to use God’s ‘name’ like Allah, Jehovah, or yawhew, instead of just god. (Granted they all just mean God). This is also true when a religion has many gods and they have to use the names to tell who is who, like in Greek mythology or Hindu gods, so the words God, with the upper case G, became associated with Christianity because that’s what they refer to their god. But you are right, it’s all in how it’s interpreted and how the individual grew up associating that word with, and in no mean is God limited to Christianity but it is often associated with it.

Culture matters. God can mean whatever god you worship. Christianity is widespread so "god" usually is taken to mean Yahweh. Kami-sama is literally god but when the Japanese use it they are not referring to Yahweh. They're usually referring to Ookuninushi which is the main god of the Shinto religion. Allah means god in arabic but in this context, they are referring to Yahweh since Islam is the predominant religion of the area/culture. Is like how in early western civilization the main deity was Inanna/Ishtar so when people of the time referred to the goddess in writing they were referring to Ishtar and not any other goddesses.

You are right!, in this manga they used the term "Allah" cuz of the area which is similar to middle east where people speak in Arabic and not english, since "God" in arabic language is "Allah", even if they are christians they still refers to "God" as "Allah" since its in their language,
it doesn't literally means that they are muslims or refering to Islam if the term Allah was used, since not all arabs are muslims, there are also christian arabs who also refer to Yahweh as Allah, It will be weird if they are speaking in arabic and them say God which is English.
That's why i replied about the first comment here, I'm from the middle east and a muslim but have christian friends who that are Arabs who calls "God" "Allah" since its arabic,
Even when i'm a muslim, when i speak with someone in english i don't use the term "Allah" instead i use "God" since thats the english term of it, and if i spoke in Japanese i will say it as Kami-sama, and so on with different languages.
I don't really know why most muslim people are making a big issue about it when it has the same meaning but different language and doesn't refer to a specific religion unless they mention it, and i'm sad and disappointed as a muslim to see people arguing that Allah is only for muslims to say.

I am a Muslim too and I would like to clear up on this. Allah doesn't translate to God in english. Allah is Allah. It is no kami-sama or God. Allah is the name of God which Muslims believes in, therefore, it is no translation. God in English is a general term which is used to show a supreme rule and people from different religion uses their gods for alternate to word God. Muslim call Allah. But if someone refers to God they think of Allah. I hope it clarify.

Arabic speaking Christians also call Yahweh "allah". And the official translation of the word "god" in Arabic is indeed "allah". Nonetheless, I understand what you mean. Since Muslims are the majority of the region, the word "allah" has become synonym with the god of Islam to the point that, even in different countries where Islam does not prevail and Arabic is not spoken, "allah" is still used to refer to the god of Islam.

well the fastest explanation would be, the story is written forty or fifty years ago by american authors during a time where middle east was exotified as a desert paradise, before all the Islamophobia started. Still not a good thing back then cos they literally wrote bullshit romance about the middle east with their own american tastes. And decades later, Japanese mangakas pick these old novels up and draw them regardless of whether its culturally sensitive or not as long a its cliche quick romance that will earn quick cash.

I think I just wanted to clarify it here. When Muslim refer to Allah it means only Allah. Islam only supports that there is only one God that is Allah. So, here referring to Allah doesn't mean yahweh cause Islam doesn't support this. Also, Muslim use the wird Allah as the context of the Qura'an. While Jews use the word Yahweh from the Bible. And the Qura'an doesn't support Bible. So, they are two different one. So, if a Christian is referring to Allah as God in Arab. He is actually saying that Allah is one of the god they worship. But, one a Muslim say Allah, it means Allah is the only God he worships. Moreover, the ML in the manga was actually a sheikh which is actually the ruler of the country. In Arab, as far as I know, the sheikh or ruler of Arab can be a Muslim only. Since, the state religion is Islam. So if he is referring to Allah it means he is Muslim here.

I think somewhere along the way the original comment was kinda thrown to the curb. I do agree with what you're saying. This story was definitely referring to the Islam religion. My comment was only to point out that cultural context matters.
Either way, if I've learned anything from reading harlequin is that the authors don't do their homework for that cultural setting.

well the fastest explanation would be, the story is written forty or fifty years ago by american authors during a time where middle east was exotified as a desert paradise, before all the Islamophobia started. Still not a good thing back then cos they literally wrote bullshit romance about the middle east with their own american tastes. And decades later, Japanese mangakas pick these old novels up and draw them regardless of whether its culturally sensitive or not as long a its cliche quick romance that will earn quick cash.
please stop do story like this..its a disgrace for my religion..the prince said "I felt Allah's will the first time we met..are you crazy?? arghhh i feel mad because of this.. i dont care if he is kristian or catholic or anything..dont use the name Allah like it was yours.. what i'm mad is he have sex with that women and say Allah's will..shut the fuck up..please anyone do something about this..