For sure he cheated without a doubt.
But I hear that he regretted it and told Alex what happened and said that they should break up but Alex didn’t want to. And it turns out ALEX stole Brad’s girl in the past so this was revenge. Cole and Brad talk but nothing intimate happens. Alex pinches Brad and they start fighting but at the end ALEX and Cole stay together and share a nice moment
To me because Cole immediately regretted it and was honest to Alex about, he is forgivable. He cheated, but I would forgive this once

I saw the rew and seemed that after the "cheating" by the way, funny thing look how Cole reacts to Brad in the morning, no blushing at all and look at how he reacts after Alex comes back, super blushing and super happy and excited to see him.
but anyway in the rew it seems that Alex kiss Brad back has revenge, do you consider that cheating has well?

You don't need to blush or feel any butterflies to cheat. There are people who claim to love someone but then go and sleep with someone else who means nothing to them. And then it still means nothing to them, as if nothing happened. Obviously Cole isn't in love with Brad, he just felt some attraction towards him since Brad gave him the attention he needed. He didnt push him away, he even grabbed him while kissing, he let him give him blowjob, and knew exactly what happened. Yes, Brad was wrong for going for a taken man but it's your job to decline that offer if you're in a relationship. Brad is free, Cole is not. If he lets somethin like this happen, how can Alex trust him the next time he goes away? Cole felt happy seeing Alex but then he felt guilty remembering what he did with Brad to the point he wanted to break up with Alex. Yes, kissing someone else is also cheating unless you talk with your partner and they say they don't mind. If not, any intimacy with someone else is cheating.

Brad just wanted to ruin Alex, it was clear from the start!
Now Alex could leave Cole, it was clear Cole gave him a choice and the ability to kill him as well (the choking scene was great by the way) but Alex decided to stay even after Cole told him, it seemed that he does not care or forgive him(not sure cause it's not in english). again Cole did not felt anything for Brad, even if he didn't do much when he was kissed. it is clear from the art and how he acts, he does not feel anything for Brad. by the way, he still seemed drank when Brad kisses him.
still need to read the English.
now you free to hate Cole, but he did tell Alex and they talk A LOT about a lot of things, not sure what but they do talk a lot. he did not hide it from him. and after that it really seemed Alex kiss Brad XD so do you consider Alex kissing Brad a cheating too?

Your answer has no point... I dont care if he feels anything for Brad because you dont need to feel anything to cheat. Come on, how can you not see what's wrong here? If you love someone you dont let anyone else touch you and you dont touch anyone else because it is CHEATING. Even if you dont have any feeling for that person, you cheat!!! I answered the last question already. YES, I also consider that kiss cheating. Even if that was to get that kiss back. And if Cole wanted to be fair to Alex he would also mention the BJ but as I saw he didn't

you said yourself that if you told your partner it is fine. do you need me to copy what you said? and I said Cole did tell him! they seemed to talk a lot and he did give him a choice. I think Cole still loves Alex, if he didn't he won't have told him anything and he won't have let him choke him to death.
how do you know he didn't if you didn't read it in English yourself?
so both of them cheat on each other, they equal now and I will argue they still super in love with each other.

You need to ask BEFORE you do that LOOOL not after the action. And the partner has to agree before you go hunting for others lol. Cole told him only about the kiss, not about the bj. He's still not honest. If Alex was okay with it he wouldn't go and beat Brad and kiss him. He doesn't want to give up on Cole because he loves him but dont say he doesn't care about what happened... he was furious lol. Nobody said they don't love each other, it's just that cheating is disgusting. Do you understand or not? And btw.... how old are you?

I ask again, did you read it in English somewhere or not? if you didn't then how do you know what they talk about??
and don't say you read it from comments, they assume things just like me. but it seemed he did tell him.
well, dah, Brad decided to kiss his boyfriend despite knowing Cole belongs to Alex. of course Alex will want some revenge on the asshole, and I say I was happy he hit him but I wasn't ready for that kiss.
like I said, you free to hate Cole or whatever but to me, it isn't cheating if Cole told him and he did.
So read the raws and for me Cole...
*Spoilers from this point*
Look, they kissed and Brad blowjobbed Cole and he came. True, they didn't technically had sex but he kissed and did something sexual with someone else and not his significant other. Unless Cole thought that Brad was his bae then I guess he was taken advantage of...and was raped...? But unless proven otherwise, in my mind he definitely cheated.
Also (don't get mad at me here), if you're planning to get wasted I feel like it's your responsibility to have a friend who obviously won't take advantage of you...and take you home at the end of the night...most especially since your bae isn't with you within the vicinity (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Edit: Soooooo, I double checked...opinion still stands. Apparently, they drank together inside the house and then kissed then BJ-ed. Yeah nope, by the looks of it Cole knew what he was doing.