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Favorite completed manga with romance. Don’t mind straight or BL. lol I�...
If you knew a webtoon was done entirely by ia, would you mind? If yes why, ...
Can anyone recommend me anything with a good blowjob scene I’m talking fi...
“the request file are not found”??
Anyone know what this is from?
Bl recs like Regas (I have died but now I’m back but I can’t let you kn
question about titles
Cant remember the name of manga. It's about a depressed boy who was rich, but his parents died and left him everything. His friend, who also lost his mother due to depression, tried to help him out for 7 years I think. The friend then brought his next friend, who was depressed to stay at the depressed boy's house, to try and get them to talk about their problems and the two of them ended up together