PeanutButter March 31, 2020 8:11 am

It's not that I think green boi is the best but the Prince suck, whenever I'm starting to feel for him I read the first few chapters and instantly hate him again. Nothing he could do in this life will persuade me to like him

    bogum March 31, 2020 9:12 am

    Green boi is not good at all, some scene implies that he is a psychopath.. The red boy is a better option Among the them

    Marj March 31, 2020 11:11 am

    Everyone is hating the prince and I get that but you'll change ur mind later because i've been on your shoes before hating the prince really hard and once I got to read some spoilers, its not so bad after all. Join a discord server or read on the novel updates

    lolllll March 31, 2020 2:02 pm
    Everyone is hating the prince and I get that but you'll change ur mind later because i've been on your shoes before hating the prince really hard and once I got to read some spoilers, its not so bad after all. ... Marj

    can u please send me the discord link, my heart is aching bc i want to know if i should invest my time into this manwha or drop it