Losing interest

Lia March 31, 2020 2:51 am

Kinda not as excited for this as I used to be. It's becoming repetitive and disgusting. Sure it was underage from the start but I thought they would grow more physically and mentally but Ren is still underage and Haru is still mindlessly clueless. Also don't like that Aki and Shima disapprove of t the relationship in one scene but then condone it in another.Haru keeps dancing between brother and love interest and he needs to make up his mind. One minute he's feeling up Ren and being jealous, the next he's flirting with girls and ignoring Ren. Honestly he's just a horribly messed up person is what I've come to understand. No regard for Ren's feelings, just continuously stringing him along and still hanging out with girls. Has no conviction in the slightest. I've gotten to the point where I am so tired of the inappropriate touches, the manipulation, and obliviousness that I'm starting to wish Juuzen was at least Bi so he could woo Ren and get him into a healthy relationship instead of an unhealthy, manipulative, and inappropriate one.

    milkjugmilf April 7, 2020 10:07 am

    im not glorifying this relationship is any way, but i just thought you should know that the age of consent in japan is thirteen. (so legally, this is okay) i know it's a little weird because of their age gap, but, its legal.

    Lia May 14, 2020 3:53 am
    im not glorifying this relationship is any way, but i just thought you should know that the age of consent in japan is thirteen. (so legally, this is okay) i know it's a little weird because of their age gap, b... milkjugmilf

    It's not as simple as that. There are many factors of the law and some only apply to specific parts of Japan.
    There are three primary acts regarding the matter. The one mention being the Penal Code, however the Juvenile Obscene Acts, takes precedence over the Penal Code, set out laws relating to the age of consent for specific prefectures. In some, sexual activity with anyone below the age of 15 is illegal, but in others the age of consent is as high as 18.

    Hima May 15, 2020 9:43 pm

    This is exactly how if feel as well!