So are you saying that it is also okay to kill someone while being drunk? For God's sake being drunk DOES NOT justify every shitty thing you do! Cheating is cheating. Drunk or not drunk does not make a difference. Period. If my husband cheated on me while he was drunk, I would still fucking divorce him even if I had to go back to university to get a lawyer's degree because all the lawyers are not working right now due to the coronavirus.

first of all, how killing someone and kissing are the same thing? NO IT'S NOT THE SAME THING!
and yeas that what it means of been drank. been drank mean you don't know what you doing or in the right mind or have the ability to agree. it's not for nothing that when a guy having sex with a drank girl it considers rape even if she enjoys it! so yeas kissing a drank guy is sexual harassment then cheating. unless you claim he wasn't drunk, which again I need to confirm when the English chapters will come out.
you do what you want honey, it is still the facts and how the lew works. go google it.

my point was, definition: Drunk: "Because alcohol changes the way the brain processes information, it also makes it difficult for people to make suitable decisions or assess their own behavior. For example, people who are very drunk might underestimate how intoxicated they are. Some might not even know that they are drunk."
" effects of alcohol: "a person is severely impaired. They may have very poor judgment, be unable to remember everything that happens, and be unable to fully understand the consequences of their actions. They may vomit or blackout and are at risk of alcohol poisoning."
in other words you can't take "RESPONSIBILITY" to your action CAUSE you DRUNK
Sorry to break you guys' hearts. The uke DID cheat on the seme with a blonde guy, they almost went all the way. I'm not reading this anymore but just want to let this out: FUCK THE AUTHOR FOR WRITING THAT SHIT.