I feel for the uke’s severe lack of self worth, cause the seme is plain trash and it doe...

Ephemere March 30, 2020 6:41 am

I feel for the uke’s severe lack of self worth, cause the seme is plain trash and it doesn’t take a magnifying glass to see it.

The downright controlling contract with points like “you can’t contact me first” or “[instead of fucking respecting your boundaries] I’ll drop you if you say no to anything I do to you cause it turns me off :/“ was just an extreme red flag.

Anyway, the seme probably has some kinda sob story, he will probably change for the better, they’ll probably end up together and have their happily ever after (and I’ll most definitely read the whole thing cause the art’s nice sUE ME) but holy shit psychos like this in real life NEVER change. I pray to god that younger readers don’t find this behaviour acceptable (or worse, a turn on). A sob story does not excuse this kind of behaviour. And no matter how strong, love will not change a person. Ugh.

    sandybarbz March 30, 2020 7:18 am

    But that’s a bdsm/master and pet contract. Of course it’s not for everyone and puppy needs a better master or just alright something that isn’t this... I don’t think the seme is trash though? I mean, he’s just doing what they agreed to in the first place.

    Ephemere March 30, 2020 7:46 am

    I agree with your last point, which is why I said that I felt bad about the uke’s lack of self worth. He’s the one who agreed to all of this at the end of the day :/

    However, bdsm is not only about the dom (aka his fantasies, his feelings, etc), but also about the sub. A sub should feel secure and comfortable to stop a play, without fearing their dom ending the relationship because “it’s a turn off”. A sub can be pushed, but shouldn’t be forced to do stuff they don’t like.

    +++ the seme knew that he was inexperienced before he signed the contract, which means that the uke didn’t even know what he liked/disliked since he never frigging tried it! Safe words are important for that reason. The “puppy” did give his consent, so there’s that, but it’s very wrong that the seme didn’t establish a safe word, that he forbids him to say no, when the sub doesn’t even know what he got himself into. Pretty darn cunning move from the dom.

    KeepLookingHoney March 30, 2020 11:13 am
    But that’s a bdsm/master and pet contract. Of course it’s not for everyone and puppy needs a better master or just alright something that isn’t this... I don’t think the seme is trash though? I mean, he... sandybarbz

    If he weren't trash he would have set up safe words as the first thing ever.
    In BDSM it's actually the opposite of what you see. The sub holds the upper hand exactly because he's trusting the dom with his whole body and soul. The dom (if he's a proper one) should stay within the boundaries the sub set, because at the end of the day, the sun's health and happiness is of utmost importance, otherwise there can't be a connection at all.
    That's why Yeonwoo is trash. He's taking advantage of puppy-kun's inexperience (sorry I don't remember his name lol) to set up a contract which only and solely favors him, without any regards for the sub party.
    I mean, no real contract would prevent the sub from refusing something if they're uncomfortable with it. It doesn't make sense.
    That's just unhealthy and manipulative, cause he's aware of Puppy's self worth issues and he's toying with them, using guilt as a weapon to make Puppy latch to his hip in the wrongest way ever.
    Puppy is just naive and his self esteem is extremely low, it's only natural he would agree on the spot just to be praised even a little. "Still better than nothing".

    That's way beyond toxic, I hope he suddenly wakes up and understands that this is bad..

    sandybarbz March 30, 2020 4:48 pm
    If he weren't trash he would have set up safe words as the first thing ever. In BDSM it's actually the opposite of what you see. The sub holds the upper hand exactly because he's trusting the dom with his whol... KeepLookingHoney

    There’s different types of bdsm... I didn’t mean it as if there’s just that- I know. I’ve been in those types of relationships. And yes, the safe ones have safe words, but you can’t pretend that there aren’t relationships where the contract is like this, because there are. Now I’m not saying that it’s the right kind or that it’s good and safe, but they exist. It’s not unheard of and I think It does make sense. Puppy kun needs to walk away- but he’s too desperate for attention and ignorant on this whole mess. I do think it’s on him mostly. Seme has been clear from the beginning- I mean, you could tell he was an ass from the start