Why i feel that she is not facing her problem properly even already given 2nd life..PTSD?

sakuraoh March 29, 2020 10:19 pm

Why i feel that she is not facing her problem properly even already given 2nd life..PTSD?

    Masakikullu March 29, 2020 11:33 pm

    You expect her to overcome her life trauma in probably a year or two???

    Usako March 29, 2020 11:36 pm
    You expect her to overcome her life trauma in probably a year or two??? Masakikullu

    it would help if she carried a taser to electrocute, I mean, incapacitate her enemies . . . . .

    Masakikullu March 29, 2020 11:48 pm
    it would help if she carried a taser to electrocute, I mean, incapacitate her enemies . . . . . Usako

    Yeah why doesn’t her boyfriend give her any weapons or bodyguards isn’t he rich like wtf

    GingerbreadMilk March 29, 2020 11:56 pm

    If she used logic she wouldn't be as helpless and weak to that abusive pei ziheng guy; like why not just tell someone close to you that you were reincarnated and show proof with things like your handwriting and knowledge and expose the Emperor company and just arrest Pei Ziheng; he might think he loves her but he's just a delusional psychopathic asshole. Like there's so many choices she's not making that would make her situation better; she doesn't need to protect everyone from her reincarnation secret lmao.

    Masakikullu March 30, 2020 12:01 am
    If she used logic she wouldn't be as helpless and weak to that abusive pei ziheng guy; like why not just tell someone close to you that you were reincarnated and show proof with things like your handwriting and... GingerbreadMilk

    Okay but would you really believe someone close to you said hey I’m a reincarnation of this famous celebrity and as proof I can write the same way as her and sing like her etc.. it makes you look psycho

    GingerbreadMilk March 30, 2020 12:08 am
    Okay but would you really believe someone close to you said hey I’m a reincarnation of this famous celebrity and as proof I can write the same way as her and sing like her etc.. it makes you look psycho Masakikullu

    Not really, from the most recent chapter even that purple haired guy believed she was a reincarnated version of the queen of song; she has the SAME EXACT handwriting, voice technique, attitude, knowledge about things that no one would know unless they were the queen of song, that's all she needs lmao; they would realize that 1. how in the world would some stranger, having nothing to do with the last queen of song know these things and 2. it's impossible to just label her as crazy since it's also impossible to be able to have so many similarities with someone without even trying and how could she know things that are that confidential.

    Masakikullu March 30, 2020 12:11 am
    Not really, from the most recent chapter even that purple haired guy believed she was a reincarnated version of the queen of song; she has the SAME EXACT handwriting, voice technique, attitude, knowledge about ... GingerbreadMilk

    Dang got me there, but do you think they could really protect her from pei whatever his name is, is a big powerful ceo who could get away with a lot of shit

    GingerbreadMilk March 30, 2020 12:22 am
    Dang got me there, but do you think they could really protect her from pei whatever his name is, is a big powerful ceo who could get away with a lot of shit Masakikullu

    No matter how big he is, authorities would not take the accusation lightly and investigate; as much as Pei Ziheng could try to hide and avoid things what about lie detectors? What about the countless of people he used his status and power on to hide the truth? He wouldn't get out clean and that would be a satisfying ending for him.

    But also to give you a heads up; currently we are on ch. 175 in the novel and there's a high chance you will be disappointed/angry at the writer/characters since, I am not lying here, Xia Ling legit falls back in love with Pei Ziheng; I am so frustrated with how dumb/delusional she is with falling back in love with her rapist/pedophile guy like how could he just have a relationship with a kid he adopted and raised?!

    I can tell you more about the novel if you'd like; you seem like a nice person :)

    Masakikullu March 30, 2020 12:43 am
    No matter how big he is, authorities would not take the accusation lightly and investigate; as much as Pei Ziheng could try to hide and avoid things what about lie detectors? What about the countless of people ... GingerbreadMilk


    Masakikullu March 30, 2020 12:44 am
    No matter how big he is, authorities would not take the accusation lightly and investigate; as much as Pei Ziheng could try to hide and avoid things what about lie detectors? What about the countless of people ... GingerbreadMilk

    Please tell me more about the novel

    GingerbreadMilk March 30, 2020 12:51 am
    Please tell me more about the novel Masakikullu

    Oof yeah it gets so bad during and after ch.175 in the novel oh my gooodd, I was physically and mentally cringing; here's an excerpt from the novel (for context while he was confronting her the elevator lights shut down and started falling):

    “Are you okay?” In the pitch darkness, she asked anxiously. At this moment, she realized that she still cared deeply for him, and a terrifying thought entered her mind. What if he was injured…

    No, he needed to be alright! He was always so strong and domineering! How could anything happen to him?!

    “Are you alright?! Say something!” Xia Ling’s voice got increasingly anxious, and she struggled to get out of his embrace, but to no avail. “Pei Ziheng! Are you injured?! Talk to me!”

    “Don’t move.” His low and hoarse voice sounded different from his usual self.

    “Are you alright?” Xia Ling’s voice was trembling.
    Now to continue this journey of frustration she also starts to like her abusive sister I believe like....WTFFFF. Everything goes downhill I'm telling you, the next chapters after ch.175 she starts to reject her current boyfriend and gets a call from Pei Ziheng asking to meet up since she so conveniently dropped her watch.

    While they meet up at a cafe they talk and it's heavily implied that he knows she is the previous queen of song. She asks him if he's ever loved anyone else and there's this really awkward romantic tension lmaoooo

    GingerbreadMilk March 30, 2020 12:53 am
    Oof yeah it gets so bad during and after ch.175 in the novel oh my gooodd, I was physically and mentally cringing; here's an excerpt from the novel (for context while he was confronting her the elevator lights ... GingerbreadMilk

    Here's the link to the chapter! : https://boxnovel.com/novel/a-star-reborn-the-queens-return/chapter-175

    sakuraoh March 30, 2020 12:54 am

    Im also interested to know

    Masakikullu March 30, 2020 12:56 am
    Here's the link to the chapter! : https://boxnovel.com/novel/a-star-reborn-the-queens-return/chapter-175 GingerbreadMilk

    Thank you! (✿◠‿◠)

    sakuraoh March 30, 2020 1:06 am

    Jelly li lei

    Masakikullu March 30, 2020 2:19 am
    Oof yeah it gets so bad during and after ch.175 in the novel oh my gooodd, I was physically and mentally cringing; here's an excerpt from the novel (for context while he was confronting her the elevator lights ... GingerbreadMilk

    YIIIIIKES oh lord I hope the manga turns out for the better and she doesn’t fall in love with pei whatever and forget about what they have done to her

    Invisiblelady March 30, 2020 2:27 am
    If she used logic she wouldn't be as helpless and weak to that abusive pei ziheng guy; like why not just tell someone close to you that you were reincarnated and show proof with things like your handwriting and... GingerbreadMilk

    Nope nope you don't get it. If she does that then the manhwa will end too fast and that's not how Chinese shit goes. We don't do that here.

    GingerbreadMilk March 30, 2020 2:52 am
    Nope nope you don't get it. If she does that then the manhwa will end too fast and that's not how Chinese shit goes. We don't do that here. Invisiblelady

    Haha, I wish that there were more chinese manhuas/manga out there that weren't all cliche and creepy/romanticization of rape and abuse just why... at least in things like yaoi, it isn't extreme but this author takes it too far; her private parts were bleeding from the rape from Pei Ziheng, he forces her to make a contract again in this life, and abuses her yet again...ughhh...

    Esdeath2701 March 30, 2020 4:22 am
    Oof yeah it gets so bad during and after ch.175 in the novel oh my gooodd, I was physically and mentally cringing; here's an excerpt from the novel (for context while he was confronting her the elevator lights ... GingerbreadMilk

    Ok, I read the chinese raws for the manga. What you have described is EXACTLY what happens.

    And I'm just like, "bish wtfff??? This guy locked you up and whipped you in your past life, and you're fucking caring about his wellbeing?? Are you a masochist?!!"

    Any hope I had for the manga not following the path of the novel has dead ass evaporated.

    sakuraoh March 30, 2020 10:44 am
    Nope nope you don't get it. If she does that then the manhwa will end too fast and that's not how Chinese shit goes. We don't do that here. Invisiblelady