Stop romantizising rape.... It's disgusting

Anonymous March 28, 2020 7:00 pm

Stop romantizising rape.... It's disgusting

    dara March 29, 2020 1:30 pm

    Oh fuck Off it’s a damn manga

    Alice March 29, 2020 1:59 pm
    Oh fuck Off it’s a damn manga dara

    okay, I wasn't gonna say anything but I couldn't leave this without saying something. Yeah, it's a manga but the problem with a lot of yaoi's is that they romantisize rape and that's not okay even if it is a manga. Ever heard of consent? Yeah, it's a real HEALTHY thing and rape ain't. It is NEVER okay, no matter if it's in a fictional story or not.

    magameline March 29, 2020 4:03 pm
    Oh fuck Off it’s a damn manga dara

    Romanticizing rape is not a good thing, even if it's just fiction/a manga. Have you ever heard of rape culture ? I don't mind seing rape in mangas if it is presented as a rape, as a crime. But here, It is shown as a pure act of love. And that's the problem. Even if it's just fiction, it can impact our way of thinking. Romanticizing rape became a fucking norm in yaoi, (there is sooo many love stories in yaoi with rape in it) and sociologically speaking, many readers can be tend to excuse rape in real life or don't even realized when there is a rape. Here, the rape is minimized because of the moral of the story : "He loved me all this time and everything he did to me until now was because he loved me" but it actually means : "As long as he loves me, he can do anything he wants" (=rape me). And this moral can be deeply ingrained in readers's minds unconsciously. And let's be honest, many of them are under 18. And as a person who have been reading yaoi since middle school, I can tell you that, there is many scenes I didn't realized they were actually rape until I reread those when I was 19. This is what rape culture do. It minimized and excuse rape (which is not even presented as rape) and readers integrate it unconsciously. It's so easy to say "I can differ reality and fiction" but it's not as easy. I can differ reality and fiction but still I was raped and sexually harassed and guess what I did ? I minimized it, I even apologized because I felt guilty and didn't even realized what it actually was (and I was in a big denial). It's so easy to say "it's just a manga", but actually it can led to deeper problematics. I'm not saying that my case is a generality, it's just an example to show you that those facts are conceivable. And god please, don't insult people on the internet gratuitously and without any reasons just because you can hide behind your computer.

    niarasuski March 29, 2020 5:15 pm

    I do agree, it revolts me ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Anime4life March 29, 2020 8:49 pm
    Romanticizing rape is not a good thing, even if it's just fiction/a manga. Have you ever heard of rape culture ? I don't mind seing rape in mangas if it is presented as a rape, as a crime. But here, It is shown... magameline

    Omg that’s so fucking true like same, I’ve also been reading Yaoi since middle school and I seriously didn’t understand the ukes where getting raped every damn time and thought it was “ normal” until I was 18 today like holy shit there’s so much crimes they have normalized in yaoi it’s unbelievable. And today I’ve tried to read some “good” old manga I haven’t read in while but shit got me so disgusted and shocked

    Leonard March 29, 2020 11:20 pm

    Okay then why did you read it, if you know it was going to have rape and you yourself don't like it then don't read it.

    magameline March 29, 2020 11:33 pm
    Okay then why did you read it, if you know it was going to have rape and you yourself don't like it then don't read it. Leonard

    Did I say I knew there would have rape in it ? I don't think so. I really wasn't aware. Secondly, I said that I don't mind reading rape if it is presented as such but here it is not presented as rape but as an act of love. So easy to say "if you don't like it don"t read it" when you're not even aware of what you're reading.

    magameline March 29, 2020 11:38 pm
    Omg that’s so fucking true like same, I’ve also been reading Yaoi since middle school and I seriously didn’t understand the ukes where getting raped every damn time and thought it was “ normal” until ... Anime4life

    omg saaaame !!!! There is many mangas I thought were so good but once I reread those after a long time I was like "wtf is this shit ?". In so many yaoi there is rape culture, how many time did I see a guy getting fucked even thought he says no ? how many time did I read the sentence "you say no but your body is more honest" ?????? And how many time the use falls in love with his rapist just because sex is good ??? like wtf ?

    Leonard March 29, 2020 11:39 pm

    Then in that case everyone sees this manga differently because when I read it I saw the red flags pretty quickly. For example when they kissed then he pin him onto the table. I quickly knew then were it was going and stop reading

    magameline March 29, 2020 11:41 pm
    omg saaaame !!!! There is many mangas I thought were so good but once I reread those after a long time I was like "wtf is this shit ?". In so many yaoi there is rape culture, how many time did I see a guy getti... magameline


    Leonard March 29, 2020 11:43 pm

    I also forgot to mention that rape in some communities especially bdsm community is seen as an act. Now am not saying that he was okay with it but in same manga they do the whole rape play or better known as consent none consent play.

    magameline March 29, 2020 11:44 pm
    Then in that case everyone sees this manga differently because when I read it I saw the red flags pretty quickly. For example when they kissed then he pin him onto the table. I quickly knew then were it was goi... Leonard

    and so what ? You do it, that's good for you. But you're not the only reader here. I'm talking about all the readers who can brainwashed by the rape culture without even realizing it. You can see the red flags ? That's good. Not everyone can see them. Not everyone realized that this scene was rape because this sort of scene became a norm in yaoi. That's what I'm trying to say.

    magameline March 29, 2020 11:55 pm
    I also forgot to mention that rape in some communities especially bdsm community is seen as an act. Now am not saying that he was okay with it but in same manga they do the whole rape play or better known as co... Leonard

    I don't understand what you're trying to say... But as I said, reading rape is not the problem if it is shown as rape (even if it is just a play), but if it is not shown as such, then there is a problem, because people don't realized it is rape. Things like "you say no but your body is more honest" "you say no but you actually love it" "I did it because I love you" are rape culture. Because readers can integrate that unconsciously. Many people are raped by their partners and they feel guilty because their rapists say those kind of things. Because they believe that they love them so it's an act of love and they have to do it if they really love their partners. Do you get what I'm trying to say ?

    Leonard March 29, 2020 11:57 pm
    I don't understand what you're trying to say... But as I said, reading rape is not the problem if it is shown as rape (even if it is just a play), but if it is not shown as such, then there is a problem, becaus... magameline

    I do I was talking about some of the manga I read the rape was consent I didn't mean all of it, and yah that makes sense

    magameline March 30, 2020 12:06 am
    I do I was talking about some of the manga I read the rape was consent I didn't mean all of it, and yah that makes sense Leonard

    I also read other mangas with a "consent rape" and I actually liked it because we know it is rape, we know they consent to it and so everything is good and hot. But here, people don't necessarily know that this is rape and even if they know, the crime is minimized because the moral of the story is "He raped me but he did it because he loves me so now I love him too". And it fucking disgusts me... I have a friend who were raped by her boyfriend and she didn't want to believe it and you know what she said to me ? "yes but he loves me"

    Leonard March 30, 2020 12:09 am
    I also read other mangas with a "consent rape" and I actually liked it because we know it is rape, we know they consent to it and so everything is good and hot. But here, people don't necessarily know that this... magameline

    I know what you I was never raped but I was in an abusive relationship I told myself and my family the same thing he beats me because he loves me. It took me 3 years to realize that I was just making exercise for him.

    magameline March 30, 2020 12:23 am
    I know what you I was never raped but I was in an abusive relationship I told myself and my family the same thing he beats me because he loves me. It took me 3 years to realize that I was just making exercise f... Leonard

    Even I, made excuses for a big mother fucking asshole. So I can understand, you were just in a big denial... (It took me one year to overcome my denial). So you see, I just want people to avoid this type of situations (being in denial, not not knowing when they are raped or in a toxic relationship) and the first thing is to stop rape culture, to stop romanticizing rape, to stop romanticizing toxic relationships... I'm so sorry for what happened to you and I truly hope you're better now ! You're fucking great and I send you my love from France. <3

    greyghost13 March 30, 2020 2:02 am
    Oh fuck Off it’s a damn manga dara

    I agree!- some dogs just love to bark.

    magameline March 30, 2020 8:32 am
    I agree!- some dogs just love to bark. greyghost13

    no we're just against rape culture, what's the damn problem with that ?

    Leonard March 30, 2020 1:31 pm
    Even I, made excuses for a big mother fucking asshole. So I can understand, you were just in a big denial... (It took me one year to overcome my denial). So you see, I just want people to avoid this type of sit... magameline

    Am sorry for what happened to you and thank you, am getting better slowly sending you hugs from Australia and your right