well what a crazy set of predicaments we have ourselves in now

JenJenLovesYaoi March 28, 2020 10:30 am

i cant wait to find out what happened between the brothers,i mean first of all has he been gone out of his life that long,an why is he with his childhood friend,an why does he now not want to see his brother,and then what did his brother do to our Mason,an this other guy better not even try to start on Aiden again,im happy the brother stood up for his lil brother but we need to find out the story here..haha i cant wait for it all to be unraveled

    Angel March 28, 2020 8:46 pm

    I think and Ur probably think too
    That thing that his brother did to Mason is the impairment of his eye he tries to hide

    JenJenLovesYaoi March 28, 2020 9:44 pm
    I think and Ur probably think too That thing that his brother did to Mason is the impairment of his eye he tries to hide Angel

    well someone shared with me a spoiler on Masons part,so i just hope they get all this missunderstand worked out! between them all!