I didn’t have sex during high school

dedicateddourly March 26, 2020 5:17 pm

I didn’t have sex during high school, so I have no idea, but is there such a thing as a high school boy being really good at sex? Serious question. I just find it hard to believe.

    Cause_why_not? March 26, 2020 6:55 pm

    Eh it depends on the person tbh. Not every guy is good or bad just depends on how much experience/knowledge they got.

    blwredtear March 26, 2020 8:36 pm

    Just what the person above me said, it really depends if the person have experienced it or not. It's a wide spectrum. I've had my first during second year of college. :3

    Gwaine March 27, 2020 4:43 am

    I'd like to think that I am;;

    EGGPLANT March 28, 2020 3:34 pm

    mmmmm...usually being good at it is through experience so you get used to the feeling first and you won't be too shy to try many things that feel good but are otherwise embarrassing (like diff positions or bdsm)

    but I heard from my friends's stories that some are naturally good at them especially athletes who have good hip movement and have superb stamina. those who also masturbate a lot tend to know which places feel good. This is handy for same sex couples cause they just know where to touch

    Id say more, but id probably be too graphic in describing it

    AlwaysLove06 March 31, 2020 2:14 am
    mmmmm...usually being good at it is through experience so you get used to the feeling first and you won't be too shy to try many things that feel good but are otherwise embarrassing (like diff positions or bdsm... EGGPLANT

    I wanna hear more

    Haven April 2, 2020 11:29 am

    My boyfriend was 17 and he was VERY good, after many many years and many many experiences I can say for sure he was great at it ... he told me he learnt it from an older woman, she was her sex education sensei

    L.GAGA May 26, 2020 3:56 pm

    Ive read a josei manga way before and it seems like there those born with that skill. ??? Like a genius at that. Or a natural talent. And its not so fictional. Somehow thats realistic just like how some are born genius in computer, math, sports or other stuff.