to the person that uploaded this: Thanks!! And I 100% still ship Radelk x mc cuz he is the...

Girllovepet22 March 26, 2020 12:06 am

to the person that uploaded this: Thanks!! And I 100% still ship Radelk x mc cuz he is the hottest I guess lol

    Jc13134 March 26, 2020 2:09 am

    I seconded.

    DD Ansa March 26, 2020 2:24 am
    I seconded. Jc13134

    I thirded.

    tintells March 26, 2020 2:36 am

    i farted (fourthed)

    notice: this is a joke grammar nazis (*^∀゚)ъ

    leina March 26, 2020 3:16 am
    i farted (fourthed) notice: this is a joke grammar nazis (*^∀゚)ъ tintells
