
Rinkashi-chan March 25, 2020 6:43 pm

wtf was that about ?? does it have to do something about the original series ??

    Quaketoro March 26, 2020 9:59 am

    Think it was the first draft. It might have helped give permission to start making the real manga possible

    The only boi March 30, 2020 3:31 pm
    Think it was the first draft. It might have helped give permission to start making the real manga possible Quaketoro

    Close! These are likely oneshots that were either published as oneshots in jump or one of their affiliate publications or were outright rejected. My money is on at least the first one being published. Jump likes to run contests where oneshots are voted on and select group get to run their manga. You can't technically call them first drafts because they were supposed to be fully finished and fleshed out ideas that just were never given room to expand. While it is likely that the first story was reworked into demon slayer (and elements of the other one seem to have been brought in as well) through the help of a manager and the author's own genius, these stories were more like pilots than first drafts. Hope I didn't seem too pretentious and thanks for reading this mess of a paragraph.